Robot-assisted Kidney Autotransplantation: A Minimally Invasive Way to Salvage Kidneys

Published Date : 6th Aug 2018
Authors : Benjamin Van Parys† , Jeroen Van Besien , Nicolas Doumerc , Liesbeth Desender , Caren Randon , Frederic De Ryck , Thomas Tailly , Matthias Beysens , Carl Van Haute , Diederik Ponette , Kathia De Man , Piet Hoebeke, Frank Vermassen,Karel Decaestecker
Procedure Followed : Robot-assisted kidney autotransplantation (RAKAT)
Institutions : Ghent University Hospital, University Hospital of Rangueil

Abstract :
Background : Kidney autotransplantation (KAT) is the ultimate way to salvage kidneys with complex renovascular, ureteral, or malignant pathologies that are not amenable to in situ reconstruction. A minimally invasive approach could broaden its adoption.
Objective :
To describe operative technique, perioperative complications, and early functional outcomes of robot-assisted kidney autotransplantation (RAKAT). Design, setting, and participants Retrospective review of prospectively collected data regarding consecutive patients undergoing RAKAT between March 2017 and February 2018 at two university hospitals.

Published online: August 06, 2018; Accepted: July 13, 2018