Intracorporeal Orthotopic Continent Diversion


The first presenter is Dr. Sudhir Rawal, Medical Director and Chief of Genito Uro-Oncology Services at the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Delhi. His topic is: Intracorporeal Orthotopic Continent Diversion. He takes a thorough look at this life-changing procedure- from history to the latest technique. Dr. T. B. Yuvaraja is the Moderator, and adds his expertise to the topic in the Q & A which follows. Webinar presentation, with PPT's, Diagrams, surgical artwork, photos 51-minutes.

From his web page:
Dr. Rawal is one of the leading Uro-Genital surgeons in India, with special interest in Robotic Surgery. He is having more than 30 years of experience in Genito Urinary Oncosurgery. He routinely performs procedures such as Radical Prostatectomy, Radical Cystectomy, Radical Hysterectomy, RPLND, and complex urinary diversion like continent pouch and neo bladder.

"Pitcher's pot Ileal Neobladder" is one of his innovations which finds place in leading urology publications, and is covered in this program. He is first Uro Gyne surgical oncologist of North India and heading the department since the inception of the Institute. He did first open Retropubic Radical Prostatectomy in private sector in India. Besides this he has done the maximum number of Radical Prostatectomy, Radical Cystoprostatectomy Neobladder, Robotic VEIL, Robotic RPLND (Post Chemo) in India.

Dr. T. B. Yuvaraja of Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, is be the Moderator of the program. From his web page: Dr T. B. Yuvaraja is currently working in specialized area of managing urological cancers. He got his training and experience from prestigious Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai where he worked as Associate professor. He has to his credit the highest number robotic uro-oncological procedures, results of which are comparable to international standards. He particularly managed cancers of prostate, kidney, urinary bladder, testicular cancer and penile cancers.

Date : August 1st, 2020

Time: 6.30 pm IST | 9:00 am EDT



Dr Sudhir Rawal

Medical Director and Chief of GenitoUro–Oncology Services Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, Delhi