What Is Prostate-Specific Antigen?
Prostate-Specific Antigen, or PSA, is a product of your prostate gland’s function. High PSA levels could be indicative of prostate cancer. Moreover, high levels could also indicate an enlarged prostate gland or prostatitis (infection of the prostate), which is a noncancerous condition. PSA is secreted by the prostate gland’s epithelial cells. Its purpose is to liquefy semen in the ejaculate to allow sperm to swim and reach their target. Even though it is intended to go into the semen, at times it can spill into the bloodstream. That is when a blood test is used to measure it.
psa levels
Factors That Affect the PSA Levels
Having a high PSA level could be due to several factors. Here are a few factors known to affect PSA levels:
1. Urinary Tract Infection or Irritation
If you have undergone any medical procedures involving the bladder or urethra, it may cause your prostate to produce more PSA. If this applies to you, it is important to give that area time to heal before going for a PSA test.
2. Age
Normal PSA levels tend to vary between people of different age groups. For example, older men’s regular PSA may be slightly higher than younger men’s.
3. Size of the Prostate
A healthy prostate produces lower levels of PSA. If a man has a larger prostate, they may have a higher level of PSA.
4. Medications
Some medications are known to reduce PSA levels, such as dutasteride, which is used as a medical treatment for benign prostate enlargement. It is highly recommended that you always let your physician know of all the medications you are currently taking.
Different Levels of PSA
Every individual can’t be assigned one level, because PSA levels vary among different age groups and ethnicities. In general, these numbers reflect known norms:
- If your PSA level is between 0 to 2.5 ng/mL, you have very little chance of having prostate cancer. That being said, some cancers may be present with a low level of PSA- If your PSA level is between 2.6 to 4 ng/mL, you are still considered safe; but, it’s a good idea to speak to a professional about possible risk factors.
- If your levels are anywhere between 4 to 10 ng/mL, there is a possibility of prostate cancer.
- If the level is 10ng/mL or higher, this may be a sign of danger, so you should speak to a professional right away.
- If your annual PSA values show an incremental pattern, it is a concerning sign.
- If your PSA level is between 2.6 to 4 ng/mL, you are still considered safe; but, it’s a good idea to speak to a professional about possible risk factors.
- If your levels are anywhere between 4 to 10 ng/mL, there is a possibility of prostate cancer.
- If the level is 10ng/mL or higher, this may be a sign of danger, so you should speak to a professional right away.
- If your annual PSA values show an incremental pattern, it is a concerning sign.
two ways
Free and Total PSA
There are two ways your PSA circulates through the body, either alone or bound to other proteins. The one that travels alone is called free PSA. As the name suggests, a free PSA test measures the free-floating PSA in the bloodstream whereas a total PSA test measures both free-floating and bound PSA. Both are meant to diagnose issues related to the prostate. However, if your free PSA percentage is low but the PSA level is high, your chances of having prostate cancer are high.
PSA Velocity
The change in PSA levels over time is called PSA velocity. If there is a rapid increase in PSA, it may be an indication of a serious form of cancer.
PSA Density
The PSA density is the serum PSA level divided by the prostate gland volume. It is usually performed at the time of diagnosis. To calculate PSA density, your MRI measurements of prostate volumes may be used. Prostate volume on the other hand is calculated using the transrectal ultrasound measurements.