Risk Factors for Liver Cancer

To start with


Being diagnosed with liver cancer can be devastating, to say the least. It can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated in its early stages. It may spread to the colon and find its way into the bloodstream. The causes of liver cancer have been identified. The risk factors that increase the chances of getting it along with preventive measures have also been researched upon and disseminated.

Here are some of the basics about liver cancer you should know:


What Is Liver Cancer?

The liver is an organ located above your stomach and below your diaphragm. It is the shape of a football and acts as the body’s fuel reservoir. It stores and manufactures glucose that is circulated throughout the body. During liver cancer, abnormal cell growth develops in this organ that can spread to other parts of the body if left unchecked or untreated.


The Symptoms

If you notice any of the symptoms below, seek medical help immediately. Early detection and diagnosis can play an important role in ensuring a quick recovery.

• Persistent pain in the upper abdomen.
• Loss of appetite.
• Weakness and prolonged fatigue.
• Abdominal swelling.
• White stool that may be chalky at times.
• Yellow discoloration of eyes and skin – similar to when a person is infected with jaundice.
• Nausea and vomiting.


Risk Factors for Liver Cancer

Below are some of the risk factors for liver cancer:

Inherited liver disease

Wilson’s Disease, for instance, is a genetic disorder that leads to excessive storage of copper in the liver, brain, or cornea tissues.

Hepatitis B & C

This is an infection of the liver caused by the exchange of bodily fluids or blood that may be carrying the infection.

Excessive alcohol consumption

This can cause the liver to become inflamed or develop scarring. This is known as cirrhosis.

Presence of diabetes

Presence of diabetes is yet another major risk factor for Liver Cancer

Contact with certain toxins

Certain crops that are not stored properly may develop mold. These molds release a toxin known as aflatoxins that can enter the bloodstream when consumed.



• Limit the consumption of alcohol.
• Seek treatment for Hepatitis B & C. Getting yourself vaccinated for these two diseases can help reduce the risk.
• Avoid sharing needles and use clean needles for IV drips and injections. This can help prevent Hepatitis C. Even while getting a tattoo, ensure the needles used are sterilized and safe to use.
• Practice safe sex and stay aware of the health status of your sexual partner.
• Maintain a healthy weight according to BMI and keep physically active.


The Bottom Line

Being diagnosed with liver cancer can be devastating. It is a tough battle to fight, and no one wants to endure it. But there are ways to reduce the risk factors. Cutting down on alcohol intake and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the overall risks. Similarly, liver screenings and vaccination for Hepatitis B and C can help prevent liver cancer from developing.

Disclaimer: Please note: this blog post is provided for informational purposes and is not intended to replace the guidance of your personal physician. Please consult a medical professional if you have any concerns after reading this or other blog posts on this website.