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Major breakthrough in the robotic surgery of localized prostate cancer
Date : May 23, 2022
Vattikuti Urology Institute at the Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, the birthplace of da Vinci robotic surgery registers yet another disruptive surgical innovation to its credit,which gives hope to patients undergoing robotic radical prostatectomy to preserve their sexual functions as well as cancer control
In a landmark paper published by the Vattikuti Urology Institute team led by Dr Mani Menon, who pioneered the development of robotic surgery. Published in the recent issue of European Urology, this seminal paper on the technic and results in a series of 91 patients who underwent precision prostatectomy of these 100% of patients regained urinary control and 90.2% who had normal sexual function prior to surgery retained their potency after the operation. Development of this innovative technique was funded by Vattikuti foundation under its surgical innovation program.
Robotic Radical Prostatectomy is the standard of care for the patients suffering with clinically localized disease. Robotic surgery for localized prostate cancer is the standard of care and offers effective cancer control but because of nerve damage during surgery 50-70% patients suffer a setback of impotency and 5-20% lose urinary control. This novel surgery bring will hope to hundreds of young patients undergoing surgery to cure their cancers.