
Recent advances in intraoperative detection of nodal metastases in prostate cancer patients

Moderators: Giorgio Gandaglia (Milan, Italy); Tobias Maurer (Hamburg, Germany)

Novel imaging modalities play a major role in the preoperative staging and restaging of prostate cancer patients with aggressive diseases. The availability of cancer-specific tracers and intraoperative detectors allowed for the introduction of imaging-, fluorescence- or radio-guided approaches in the surgical setting. These tools can assist physicians intraoperatively in the precise identification of suspicious spots and for the detection of metastatic sites in the lymph nodes even outside the anatomically-defined template in patients with more advanced diseases. This, in turn, could have important implications for the correct staging of the disease and for maximizing local disease control.

This webinar aims to describe available tracers and detectors for nodal metastases in prostate cancer patients, to evaluate the current evidence on the role of intraoperative imaging-, fluorescence-, and radio-guided approaches for the detection of lymph node metastases, and to describe ongoing trials and future perspectives.


  1. Tracers and detectors for lymph node metastases in prostate cancer: current status and future developments - Fijs van Leeuween (Netherlands)
  2. The role of PSMA radioguided surgery in primary staging of prostate cancer patients undergoing radical prostatectomy - Giorgio Gandaglia (Italy)
  3. Fluorescence guidance during pelvic lymph node dissection in prostate cancer - Henk van der Poel (Netherlands)
  4. Intraoperative PSMA PET for the detection of lymph node metastases – Christopher Darr (Germany)
  5. The role of PSMA-radioguided surgery in the recurrent setting - Sophie Knipper (Germany)

Date : 24 February 2023

Time: 9:00 AM EDT | 3:00 PM CET | 7:30 PM IST



Giorgio Gandaglia, MD

Urologist, Department of Urology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy


Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Maurer, FEBU

Martini-Klinik and Department of Urology University of Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany


Prof. Fijs van Leeuwen

Professor Radiology, Molecular imaging and image-guided therapy. Leiden University, Netherlands


Prof. Dr. H.G. van der Poel

Urology and Medical Oncology, The Netherlands Cancer institute (NKI), Department of Urology UMC, Amsterdam


Christopher Darr, MD

Department of Urology University Hospital Essen, Germany


Dr. med. Sophie Knipper

Martini-Klinik Prostate Cancer Center, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany