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Nominations Open for Society of American Asian Scientists Engaged in Cancer Research Award

Date : February 2023

The Vattikuti Foundation has received late word from SAASCR President Dr. Rajvir Dahiya, Professor Emeritus UCSF San Francisco, that nominations will be closing on March 1st for their prestigious Cancer Research Award. Prof. Dahiya tells the Vattikuti Foundation that: "The mission of this award is to recognize some of the talented scientists whose work largely remains unnoticed."

From the announcement:

Society of American Asian Scientists in Cancer Research (SAASCR) is a non-profit, non-political society registered in the state of California and has more than 5,000 cancer scientists from the USA, Canada and some members are from Europe and Australia.

Please nominate your fellow scientist for the Society of American Asian Scientists in Cancer Research (SAASCR) prestigious award for the year 2023.

The candidate must be a full Professor with exceptional scientific and academic accomplishments in the field of cancer research working in the USA, Canada, Europe or Australia. Please email us his / her complete resume.

Our mission is to recognize, acknowledge, admire, appreciate, and respect our senior professors for their unparalleled, unprecedented, exceptional, trailblazing and innovative research discoveries through the SAASCR award.

For the last almost 20 years, more than 150 outstanding cancer scientists / Professors have been bestowed with the SAASCR award.

After getting SAASCR awards, almost all of the recipients received recognition, appreciation and promotion at their own Institute. Some of them received endowed chairs even at Harvard, MIT, Johns Hopkins, Stanford and many more high-profile Institutes.

Deadline for nomination is March 1st, 2023.

Here are the links of our previous meetings:

The SAASCR Award ceremony will be held on Sunday April 16th2023, in Orlando, Florida, during AACR Annual Meeting at the Orange Country Convention Center, April 14-19, 2023. Meeting Location will be informed ASAP once it is finalized.

Location: Freedom High School 2500 West Taft Vineland Road, Orlando, FL 32837

We are looking forward to receiving your nomination.

Please email your nominations directly to Professor Dahiya:
Previous Awardees include Dr. Mani Menon, Dr. Ashutosh Tewari, and Vattikuti Foundation CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari.