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Apollo Health City Fellow Shilpa Chowdary Honored with Best Presentation Award at ASGRS 2024

25 JULY 2024

We are proud to announce that one of our distinguished fellows, Shilpa Chowdary, has been awarded the Best Presentation award at the ASGRS 2024 Annual Congress. This prestigious event, organized by the Asian Society for Gynecologic Robotic Surgery (ASGRS), was held in Seoul, South Korea, on June 21-22, 2024.

Shilpa Chowdary, who specializes in Minimally Invasive & Robotic Gynecologic Surgery at Apollo Health City, Hyderabad, delivered an outstanding presentation titled "Systematic and Reproducible Approach in Robotic Surgery for Frozen Pelvis - 10 Steps." Her innovative approach and systematic methodology in robotic surgery garnered significant attention and praise from the esteemed panel of judges and fellow attendees.

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Prof Rooma Sinha, Fellowship Director at Apollo Health City, Shilpa's work exemplifies the highest standards of surgical innovation and excellence. This award is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and expertise of both Shilpa and the entire team at Apollo Health City.

The ASGRS annual meeting is a prominent platform that brings together leading experts and practitioners in gynecologic robotic surgery from across Asia and the world. For more information about the conference and its proceedings, please visit ASGRS 2024 Annual Congress

Congratulations to Shilpa Chowdary for this remarkable achievement and for representing Apollo Health City on such a distinguished platform.