A husband & wife from India both had been suffering from constant back pain, as the Times of India recently reported. Hanumantha, the 98-year-old husband decided to have robotic spinal surgery. He placed his trust in Dr. S. Vidyadhara, of Manipal Hospitals....

Ancient Chinese medical practitioners used to study tongues to decipher diseases. Now, researchers at the Middle Technical University and the University of South Australia have been successful in doing the same thing, but using an AI-based program connected to a video camera. It...

One of Vattikuti Foundation CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari’s recent initiatives has been to expand the scope of robotic surgery learning opportunities to young medical students. The Vattikuti Explorers program is poised to do just that....

Scripps Research Translational Institute researchers have developed an AI, which can extract cardiac information from just 3-electrodes, as opposed to the traditional, current use of 12-leads attached to a patient. ...