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Vattikuti Explorers Set to Visit ORSI Academy

13 AUGUST 2024

One of Vattikuti Foundation CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari’s recent initiatives has been to expand the scope of robotic surgery learning opportunities to young medical students. The Vattikuti Explorers program is poised to do just that.

Eight promising young medical students from around the world have been provided with a tuition-free visit to the ORSI Academy in Melle, Belgium. While there, they will be participating in the Junior ORSI program, From August 19-21, 2024, the Explorers will take part in an intensive open and robotic basic surgical training program, conducted by eight medical experts. Along with other Junior ORSI students, they will have exposure to a range of robotic systems. It truly is the opportunity of a lifetime.

Through this program, the Explorers will have a unique opportunity to connect with established robotic surgeons who are eager to mentor them on a one-to-one basis while also helping them expand their professional networks,” said Dr Bhandari.

The selection was based on their expression of interest in research, innovation, and use of modern technology and a strong desire to advance the world of medicine and surgery.

The ‘Vattikuti Explorers’ travel group includes: Maryam Imran from University College London and Raghav Khanna from King’s College London, both from the UK; Ilario Slaverio of the University of Padua, Padua, Italy; Margherita Ciabattini from Saint Raphael Hospital (Ospedale San Raffaele), Milan, Italy; and Alexandru Duda from Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Yashi Singh from MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai; Sanjana Mahesh from JIPMER, Karaikal, India and Julio Yanes from the University of Miami Medical School, Miami, Florida, USA.

According to Dr Mahendra Bhandari, CEO, Vattikuti Foundation, “The program provides young Explorers a valuable platform to build global connections and broaden their perspectives. Typically, opportunities to exchange ideas and learn best practices from different regions come much later in their careers.”

Future plans for the Vattikuti Explorers include other training and networking opportunities, plus attendance at the upcoming KS Awards and Humans at the Cutting Edge OF Robotic Surgery conference in Jaipur, India, February, 2025.

We congratulate these outstanding young people and wish them the very best as they take on new challenges.