Management of Right RCC with Level 2 Thrombus Without Vascular Control


Dr. D.V.S.L.N Sharma, Consultant Urologist and Uro – Oncologist at Apollo Health City, Hyderabad presents the case of a 59-year old male,with a large right renal mass with a thrombus extending into the right vena cava about 1.5 to 2 cm in. “It was a difficult thing to do, but a small change in the procedure, makes this possible,” he told the Robotic Surgeons Council of India. He shows and desribes his Robotic Radical Nephrectomy with Level 2 IVC Thrombectomy technique, using all four robotic arms. He talks about “giving it a dry run,” during his dissection, to study the tumor and decide the best method to proceed. Lecture, with CT scan imaging, embolization images, photos, PowerPoints and very clear robotic surgery camera video. 8:47

(Full title: Management of Right RCC with Level 2 Thrombus (1.5 cms Into IVC) Without Vascular Control)

Robotics, Urology