Vattikuti Foundation

Fellowship Program

Mission Statement
The mission of the Vattikuti Foundation Fellowship Program is to facilitate the training and certification of promising surgeons in minimally invasive surgery with a focus on robotic technology. The Vattikuti Foundation Fellowship Program offers comprehensive training in a wide range of disciplines to prepare fellows for delivering the best available care to their patients and to practice surgery focused on patient outcomes.

The applicant needs to have completed a nationally approved and accredited residency program in the specialty that they wish to pursue. Applicants must be an Indian surgeon with a recognized M.Ch. or equivalent super specialty qualification, within 10 years of obtaining their degree.

This is a one-year Fellowship, which offers a certificate at the completion of the training year. The program will offer its Fellows a unique experience which will allow them to take this forward in their personal goals.

Institutional Requirements


We have selected institutes that have sufficient clinical volume and the technology that allows the scope of training and research facilities.


Fellows will be required to participate in research activities present at the institution for the duration of the Fellowship.


Program directors will be involved in the training of the fellows in clinical and research activities.


A case log will be maintained that involves the cases in which the fellow is either the surgeon or the first assistant in the surgery. This is to be submitted to the Foundation every three months. The log should be accompanied by the program director’s assessment of the progress of the technical, clinical, and research skills of the fellow.

Fellows’ Requirements

Research Responsibilities

The fellow must participate in research at the institute or at the Foundation’s direction for a minimum of 12 months. Fellows should have a publication submitted to a journal with a high impact factor within nine months into their fellowship. Publication in open access or case reports will not be recognized as fulfilling the research responsibility.

The fellows will be expected to submit an abstract to their annual specialty meeting for presentation. The focus of the topic must be related to the impact of minimally invasive treatment modalities. The expectation is for the fellow to be presenting the abstract at the meeting.

The Vattikuti Foundation will be providing an independent assessment of the Fellowship Program. We will internally review the fellow’s performance regarding clinical, technical and management skills. We have put in place feedback mechanisms to evaluate improvements in program quality, which will constantly be reviewed by academic leaders at the Foundation.



Dedicated one hour of time in the academic schedule every week. This time is used in participation of didactic sessions i.e lectures taken by the faculty of the program.


Every month one of these sessions will be a journal club dedicated to the topic of minimally invasive surgery.


Working on the project for your presentation can be included in this hour occasionally but not routinely.


Stipend: 100,000 INR/PM: Fellows will receive partial monthly stipends of 90,000 INR, with the remaining balance (120,000 INR) being reserved to be paid upon successful completion of the Fellowship.

Additional Vattikuti National Fellowship Benefits:

Travel Grant

The Vattikuti Foundation will cover the expense for one national and/or one international conference per Fellowship. In order to apply for a travel grant for a national or international conference one must present:

1. Proof of registration to the conference.
2. Proof of abstract presentation approval and abstract copy.
3. Travel Grant form signed by fellowship director.
4. Expenditure receipts.