Brady-Vattikuti Robotic Academy
Hands-On Masterclass

Vattikuti Robotic Academy Hands-On Masterclass

13-18 MAY 2024

The Brady Urological Institute at Johns Hopkins University will be hosting the 1st Vattikuti Robotic Academy Hands-On Masterclass. This hands-on robotic course will be scheduled over 1 week including live case observation, simulation sessions using realistic hydrogel models and proctor led procedural training with experts. This is a unique opportunity to get 1-on-1 feedback from experts in the field of robotic surgery. The course will feature stations for Radical Prostatectomy and Retroperitoneal Partial Nephrectomy using the Xi robotic platform with an expert proctor using state-of-the-art realistic hydrogel simulations.

  • 3 HANDS-ON Robotic Stations
  • Using State-of-Art Hydrogel Radical Prostatectomy & Partial Nephrectomy Models
  • 20 hours of Operative Case Observation
  • >30 hours of simulation training including 10 hours of 1-on-1 with Robotic Experts


Monday: Case Observation
Tuesday: Simulation training in SIM Lab using realistic hydrogel models.
Wednesday: Case Observation
Thursday: Simulation training in SIM Lab using realistic hydrogel models.
Friday-Saturday: Proctor led sessions where participants complete a full radical prostatectomy & partial nephrectomy

Sammy E. Elsamra

Robert Wood Johnson,
University Hospital,
New Brunswick, NJ

Arvin K. George

Associate Prof. (PAR) of Urology, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Ahmed Ezzat Ghazi

Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, MD

Jihad Kaouk
Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH

Learning Objectives

After completing this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the approaches, positioning, access, and procedural techniques unique to robotic surgery
  2. Apply the basic skills required for robotic platform through use of hands on hydrogel models. (i.e., Docking & Instrument insertion, camera articulation, retraction, dissection, suturing and guiding the assistant)
  3. Apply techniques to optimize a successful radical prostatectomy extraperitoneal & partial nephrectomy on a realistic hydrogel simulation
  4. Recall and demonstrate tips and tricks to successfully perform radical prostatectomy & partial nephrectomy
  5. Avoid and troubleshoot potential errors during robotic radical prostatectomy & partial nephrectomy

LOCATION: Brady Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins University

For more information, contact Course Director Dr. Ahmed Ghazi