#198 Robotic caudate lobe HCC excision- Dr. Mahesh Patel

This is one of the 2023 KS International Innovation Awards videos selected for inclusion in the Vattikuti Foundation – ORSI Humans on the Cutting Edge of Robotic Surgery Conference, October 6, 7 & 8, 2023 in Ghent, Belgium. Posting does not imply that is has been selected as a Finalist, just that the content will be discussed at the Conference.

From the entry: Abstract: Malignant Hepato pancreatico biliary cases require the maximum exposure, resulting in the largest incisions as these have been done traditionally by the open method. Minimally invasive techniques have been slow to pick up for these cases because of the complexity of the procedures. The Robotic platform because of the advantages offers a solution for this. Surgery of the Caudate Lobe or seg 1 of the liver , because of it’s location becomes one of the most complex surgery in this segment. This is a case of a 9cm large Caudate Lobe Hepatocellular carcinoma which was operated Robotically, making it one of the largest ever done by minimally invasive techniques in the world. The dextrous robotic platform along with it’s magnification becomes the technology of choice for doing this complex resection.

See more at: https://vattikutifoundation.com/videos/

KS Awards, Robotics, Surgeon