Use of a Dedicated Pulley System to Reestablish Continuity of the Vagina with the Uterus at Time of Fertility Preserving Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Trachelotomy


Prof. Krishnansu Tewari, University of California Irvine Director of Research, Gynecological Oncology begins by answering an audience question about lymph node dissection, from a previous presentation by Dr. Abraham Peedicayil (Lymphasdenectomy in Endometrial Cancer). About 8:15 into this video, he begins the title presentation by showing a video titled as listed above. The video (while not the clearest to view- we apologize) supports and shows the use of the pulley system, citing 3 advantages. Following the video, Tewari answers a question about uterus preservation and covers technique not described in his video.

Gynecology, Wellbeing