Surgical Innovation- IDEAL Framework


Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat, Group Chairman, Institute of Urology & Robotic Surgery for Medanta the Medicity, has been at the forefront of Robotic Kidney Transplantation since 2013, when he was part of the team performing the first Transplants at Medanta, the Medicity with Drs. Mani Menon, Ronney Abaza, and Vattikuti Foundation CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari. Here, he presents a thorough description to the Robotic Surgeons Council of India (RSC), as how the team used the IDEAL Collaboration* framework to assure patient safety throughout every phase of the process, including adding a “Phase 0” to the guidelines, before any surgery was done on actual transplant patients. (The IDEAL Guidelines pertain to any surgical specialty.)

“The main thing was, that no patient be harmed during this phase, because this was the first trial of robotic transplant,” Dr. Ahlawat reported to the RSC audience of over 50 of the top robotic surgeons in the country. He described the precautions taken for the first patients. “We had a team of surgeons who had done over 15,000 robotic surgeries overall, and 2,000 open transplants, so that experience was available in the operating room.” Viewers will learn a lot about surgical research watching Dr. Ahlawat’s presentation.

Lecture, with PowerPoints, diagrams & photos, 19:12

Kidney, Robotics