What is Uterine Cancer?
Uterine cancer is a type of cancer that forms around the lining of the uterus, more commonly known as endometrial cancer. The majority of uterine cancer cases found in women are of endometrial cancer. There is another rare type of uterine cancer called uterine sarcoma, which is cancer around the muscles or tissues of the uterus. It could result from noncancerous fibroid of the uterus and is a common cause of uterine bleeding. The American Cancer Society reports uterine cancer to be the 6th leading cause of cancer-related death among the American female population. Although uterine cancer is most common in postmenopausal women, usually aged 50 or above, it can also happen to younger women. Therese Bevers, M.D., medical director of the Cancer Prevention Center, says, "Your risk for all cancer types rises as you age, but it's important to know what to look for at any age. That way, if symptoms appear, you can tell your doctor right away." Uterine cancer is not always life-threatening. If you can detect the disease at an early stage, with the timely and appropriate treatment you control cancer adequately and even cure it.
Warning Signs of Uterine Cancer
Uterine or endometrial cancer is the sixth most commonly occurring cancer in women worldwide? Here are some early warning signs of uterine cancer you must never ignore. Let's look at some of the risk factors and early warning signs of urine cancer that women of all ages should take very seriously.
Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
Abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting is the most common uterine cancer symptom in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. About 67% of uterine cancer patients were able to detect uterine cancer at an early age, based on this symptom alone.
Family History
If you have a family history of uterine cancer or any other cancer, then you are at a greater risk of getting uterine cancer.
Women with obesity or those struggling with keeping their weight under control are at a higher risk of getting uterine cancer. About 70% of uterine cancer cases were related to obesity.
Vaginal discharge
Unusual vaginal discharge that does not look like blood is another common uterine cancer symptom.
Difficulty in Urination
If you experience any pain, irritation, or discomfort in urination, it is not a good sign.
Painful Intercourse
Various uterine cancer patients have complained about experiencing pain or irritation during intercourse.
Mass in the Pelvic area
If you experience pain or notice any mass or lumps around your pelvic area, you should immediately consult your gynecologist.
Loss of appetite or weight loss
If you notice a sudden change in your appetite where you feel full all the time or see a considerable weight drop, it may be a uterine cancer symptom.
Frequent Urination
If you have not increased your water intake and are making frequent trips to the bathroom, or feel constant pressure on your bladder, this could be a risk factor.

preventative measure
Lower your chances of risks
Medical science is yet to discover a proven way to completely prevent uterine cancer. You may take these steps to lower your chances of risks:
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being physically active.
- Taking birth control pills.
- Good disease management for diabetic patients.
- Doctor’s recommended combination of estrogen and progesterone.