INTRODUCTION What is Testicular cancer ? Testicular cancer is a type of cancer (out of control/abnormal cell growth) that initiates in the testicles, an essential part of the male reproductive system. The testicles are responsible for generating male hormones such as testosterone and sperm, which fertilize a...

INTRODUCTION Leukemia in Children There’s nothing more devastating than being told that your child may potentially have leukemia. A stressful and anxiety-inducing situation such as this is going to drastically change the child as well as their family's life moving forwards. If you have found yourself...

INTRODUCTION Recurrence of prostate cancer Although prostate cancer is a highly treatable type of cancer, many patients are concerned deeply about its recurrence. A recurrence of prostate cancer signifies that the cancer has returned, either in the same place where it originally developed or elsewhere in the...

INTRODUCTION What Is Lung Cancer? Lung cancer typically starts in the lungs and is one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Smokers tend to be more susceptible to the disease, but people who have never smoked can also be affected. If you have been...

INTRODUCTION What Is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer is the leading form of cancer in women. It has picked up momentum and surpassed all types of cancer over the years. This trend is alarming, because breast cancer can develop in women of all ages. The trend...

INTRODUCTION Introduction The radical prostatectomy is a procedure performed to treat prostate cancer or benign prostate hyperplasia. It entails the complete or partial removal of the prostate gland in the male reproductive system. Prostate glands are an integral part of the male reproductive system. They are a walnut-shaped...

INTRODUCTION Introduction Chemotherapy has long been recognized for the many benefits of fighting cancer, but for many- it is just as well known for the unpleasant issues it can cause. Though the drawbacks and side effects are temporary, they can be distressing and painful to go through....

Introduction Chemotherapy is one of the treatments that cancer specialists prescribe to cancer patients. While it is a successful treatment in most cases, it is also difficult for patients and their families to go through. If you know someone going through it or, if you...

INTRODUCTION Why Breast Cancer is the Leading Cancer in Women The incidence of breast cancer is higher in women, which is why breast cancer remains the second leading cause of death after lung cancer. Statistics suggest that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer...

Introduction Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in adults after breast cancer. It has escalated in frequency and intensity during recent years as well. Many factors contribute to this devastating disease and its rise over the years. Being diagnosed with lung cancer is a...

Introduction Even though most cancers develop in adults, they can affect any part of the body and occur in people of all ages, including children. Here are the most common types of cancer in children. According to a population-based study, approximately 400,000 children and young adults between...

COVID-19 pandemic Introduction Cancer - the deadly disease which no one wants to contract has seen an upward trajectory in recent years. This menace has been on the rise and is not showing any signs of slowing down anytime soon. For many, the fear of getting cancer...

INTRODUCTION What types of cancer are commonly found in adults? Having your doctor tell you that lab results have detected cancer can be devastating. It can be a rollercoaster of emotions and a downward spiral from then on as you figure out which treatment option is the...

introduction Decision Making In the Treatment of Prostate Cancer A prostate cancer diagnosis can be hard on your mental, physical and emotional well-being. However, the good news is that it is often curable. Making the relevant prostate cancer treatment choice may not be simple at first. This is...

introduction What Is a Prostate Biopsy? A prostate biopsy is a procedure where small samples of your prostate gland are removed and examined under a microscope after a process to determine the grade (level of agreesiveness) of your prostate cancer. The prostate is a gland right...

introduction How is Prostate Cancer Staged and Graded? According to the World Cancer Research Fund, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer that occurs in men. It is also the fourth most common cancer that occurs overall. has also predicted that an estimated 248,530 men...

introduction How to Treat Prostate a Cancer Recurrence – Don’t Give Up Just Yet! Dealing with prostate cancer and its treatment is tough on its own. It takes a toll on not just your physical health but your mental well-being as well. No one wants to go...

introduction Prostate Cancer- Treatment Options? Have you just received your biopsy report stating that you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer? The worry that must have followed is what to do next, what are the various treatment options out there, and which one should you pick? If you...

introduction Chronic Backache Could Be Secondary to Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths among males, which is why screenings and timely attention to potential symptoms are very important. This type of cancer can commonly spread outside the prostate area in...

INTRODUCTION Prostate Cancer and Importance of Diagnosis Prostate cancer is the most commonly found malignant cancer in males above the age of 65 years old. It originates in the peripheral zone of the prostate. It forms when there is an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of the cells,...

introduction What is a Radical Prostatectomy? Radical prostatectomy is the surgical procedure carried out to treat early and sometimes locally advanced prostate cancer. Only patients whose cancer is within the confinement of their prostate gland could expect a long-term recurrence free survival. A Radical prostatectomy involves removing...

introduction What is Prostate Cancer? The most common type of cancer, prostate cancer, occurs in the prostate gland in males. The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland responsible for producing the fluid that transports sperms. occurrence How does Prostate Cancer Occur? The prostate is an organ located right under the...

introduction What is Uterine Cancer? Uterine cancer is a type of cancer that forms around the lining of the uterus, more commonly known as endometrial cancer. The majority of uterine cancer cases found in women are of endometrial cancer. There is another rare type of uterine cancer...

INTRODUCTION What is Colon Cancer? Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a cancer of the large intestine. It begins with an abnormal growth in the intestine’s tissue lining called polyps. Polyps can either be cancerous or noncancerous in nature. In a colon cancer patient, these...