Five Breast Cancer Symptoms to Keep an Eye Out For


What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the leading form of cancer in women. It has picked up momentum and surpassed all types of cancer over the years. This trend is alarming, because breast cancer can develop in women of all ages. The trend remains disquieting, especially in young women who may have the BRCA gene mutation. If there are concerns about what the symptoms of breast cancer are or you have noticed something unusual about your breasts, then please read on. While usually associated with women, men can also get breast cancer.

Let’s break down what breast cancer is exactly. It is a type of cancer that occurs in the breast tissue, where abnormal cell growth takes place. It may develop in women of all ages, even those who are young. What is important here, however, is early detection. The earlier it is detected, the greater the possibility of it being cured without having to undergo a mastectomy i.e., removal of the breast surgically.


The Symptoms to Look Out For

Here are some of the most common symptoms that indicate breast cancer. If you notice any of these, schedule an appointment with your physician and discuss the diagnosis options, listed below.

1. Lumps in The Breast Itself or Near the Armpit

This is one of the first symptoms of breast cancer. The lump may vary in size or cause little to no pain – do not take this lightly! You need to schedule an immediate professional examination.

2. Irritation or Dimpling of the Breast Skin

The skin surrounding the breast may be red, itchy, or have dimpling. Peeling or flaking of the skin around the nipple or breast may also develop.

3. Nipple Discharge

There may be nipple discharge, which may include blood.

4. Pain in or Around the Breast Tissue

Prolonged pain or soreness that does not change with your menstrual cycle, may indicate breast cancer.

5. Changes in The Size and Shape of the Breast

An observed change in the structure of the breast. This may be an alarming sign as well.

Take care


There are a few precautions one can take to detect breast cancer in its early stages. Some of them are:

1. Get tested for the BRCA (Breast Cancer) Gene Mutation – if the test is positive, one can take precautions such as regular check-ups and medications to prevent cancer cells from mutating.

2. Self-check – this is an important aspect which one should not skip. Regularly check and examine your breast tissue for anything unusual around the breast area.

3. Engage in physical activity, maintain weight according to your Body Mass Index and consume healthy food.


The Bottom Line

Breast cancer can be a devastating disease to battle. It can not only put you under stress but effects your whole family as well. The good news is- there are ways to prevent breast cancer from becoming fatal. Make sure that your self-checks are conducted regularly in order to discover early any breast cancer concerns. If you think tht you have found something- schedule a visit to your physician as soon as possible- waiting is NOT an option.

Disclaimer: Please note: this blog post is provided for informational purposes and is not intended to replace the guidance of your personal physician. Please consult a medical professional if you have any concerns after reading this or other blog posts on this website.