Everything You Need to Know About Menopause


An In-Depth Guide to Understanding Menopause

Did you know there will be approximately 1.1 billion postmenopausal women globally by 2025? And, yet, the State of Menopause Study indicates nearly 45% of women surveyed were unfamiliar with the difference between perimenopause and menopause and 73% of the respondents didn’t treat their menopause-related issues. Similarly, a 2020 survey by the Female Founders Fund revealed that 78% of women felt menopause interfered with their lives of which 64% were unprepared for this major life change. It is important to understand menopause properly, so the changes the body undergoes can be understood as well. In this article, we will closely examine the three stages of menopause.


What are the Stages of Menopause?

Menopause, also known as the end of one’s menstrual cycle, is a gradual process that usually unfolds in the following stages -


This stage begins 8-10 years before menopause kicks in (for most women, this phase begins in the 40s). The ovaries produce less estrogen. Periods start becoming irregular. Toward the end of this stage, most women start experiencing menopause symptoms, but they may still be getting their period and could still get pregnant.


This stage marks the point when menstrual periods have ended. The ovaries are no longer releasing eggs. If periods have ceased for one full year, menopause has started. Most women experience menopause sometime during their 40s or 50s.


This stage marks the rest of life after menopause has set in. For most women, menopause symptoms reduce during this stage. However, because estrogen levels are lower, postmenopausal women are at risk for health conditions like heart disease and osteoporosis.


What are the Uncomfortable Aspects of Menopause?

Menopause, although a natural biological process, often poses a variety of symptoms - physical and emotional - that may impact a woman’s energy, sleep, and mental well-being adversely. One may experience the following unwanted symptoms in the perimenopause and menopause stages -

1. Hot flashes
2. Vaginal dryness
3. Chills
4. Irregular periods
5. Night sweats
6. Mood swings
7. Low metabolism
8. Dry skin
9. Need to pee frequently
10. Hair thinning
11. Difficulty sleeping
12. Tender breasts
13. Dip in libido
14. Muscle and joint pain/aches
15. Headaches
16. Dry mouth
17. Dry eyes
18. Facial hair growth

The above symptoms may last for up to a decade - the body is trying to adapt to hormonal changes at each stage of menopause. Furthermore, menopause does not only result in physical changes. It can also lead to depression, fear, and anxiety. Many emotional changes occur during this time - as a result, one may feel more irritable or lose motivation. However, the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause do not need to interfere with life if the right professional assistance is received. Some women opt for hormone therapy to manage vaginal dryness, and hot flashes and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, whereas some women opt for non-hormonal methods, such as exercising, diet changes, using lubricants, limiting caffeine, joining support groups, taking prescription medications.


What is There to Look Forward to During Menopause?

While thinking about menopause might cause some stress, it's not all bad! There are a few things to look forward to, as well -

- No more hassle of periods each month
- Good riddance to PMS
- No risk of getting pregnant
- A greater sense of freedom
- No hormone-related headaches
- Uterine fibroids decrease

We hope this article has helped to understand the various elements of menopause, including the mental and physical aspects of it, as well as aspects of it to look forward to once you get to the finish line. For more information about menopause, please click here.

Sources :
> www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/menopause/symptoms-causes/syc-20353397
> https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21841-menopause
> www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/menopause
> www.healthline.com/health/menopause
> www.webmd.com/menopause/guide/menopause-basics
> www.nia.nih.gov/health/what-menopause
> www.endocrineweb.com/conditions/menopause
> www.webmd.com/menopause/guide/menopause-information
> www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507826/
> www.forbes.com/sites/debgordon/2021/07/13/73-of-women-dont-treat-their-menopause-symptoms-new-survey-shows
> www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/introduction-to-menopause
> www.verywellhealth.com/menopause-facts-and-statistics-6265659
> www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317765
> https://membrasinlife.com/blogs/news/7-things-to-look-forward-to-post-menopause
> https://www.everydayhealth.com/menopause-pictures/positives-of-menopause.aspx
Disclaimer: Please note: this blog post is provided for informational purposes and is not intended to replace the guidance of your personal physician. Please consult a medical professional if you have any concerns after reading this or other blog posts on this website.