#343 Robotic Ampullectomy for a Peri-Ampullary Neoplasm- Dr. Jayanth Hulagi

This is one of the 2023 KS International Innovation Awards videos selected for inclusion in the Vattikuti Foundation – ORSI Humans at the Cutting Edge of Robotic Surgery Conference, October 6, 7 & 8, 2023 in Ghent, Belgium. Posting does not imply that is has been selected as a Finalist, just that the content will be discussed at the Conference.

From the entry: Ampullary neoplasms are rare lesions with a risk of progression to malignancy. Depending on its nature, size and location, it may be best treated with endoscopic papillotomy, pancreaticoduodenectomy or transduodenal ampullectomy. Transduodenal ampullectomy offers a higher chance of complete resection compared to endoscopic papillotomy, and carries lower morbidity than a pancreaticoduodenectomy, making it the ideal choice for localised ampullary tumour not involving the ducts but not amenable to complete endoscopic resection. While traditionally performed via open surgery, it has been attempted via laparoscopic approach and more recently robotic approach. We present a video of robotic ampullectomy for a 59-year-old woman with a rare diagnosis of intra-ampullary papillary tubular neoplasm.

See more at: https://vattikutifoundation.com/videos/

KS Awards, Robotics, Surgeon