Dr. Raju Vaisha and His Joint Replacement Experience

A longtime Orthopaedic Surgeon himself, Dr. Raju Vaisha went to the Sunshine-Vattikuti Global Centre of Excellence for Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery, to be treated by Dr. Gurava Reddy. Hear what he says about the outcome- and the support of the Vattikuti Foundation.

Sunshine-Vattikuti Global Centre of Excellence is an Orthopaedic surgery facility supported in part by the Vattikuti Foundation, which receives no revenue from this partnership.

In this, the patient describes why he would choose to go over 1500 km away from home to have a surgery, including the experience of Dr. AV Gurava Reddy and the technology he uses to care for his patients.

Edited interview, 2:30.

0:24- where to have my procedure, I wanted to choose the best
0:43- I chose the center (1500 km away) due to their technology they were pioneering
1:00- they have done more than 1000 knee replacements by that time
1:58- I am thankful to Vattikuti Foundation for bringing this technology to india
2:23- thank Dr AV Guravareddy and his team and the Vattikuti Foundation for helping patients

Patient Testimonials, Surgeon Testimonials