Impact of Learning Curve on Sphincter Preserving Robotic Rectal Cancer Surgery…..


Full title: Impact of Learning Curve on Sphincter Preserving Robotic Rectal Cancer Surgery. Sexual & Bladder Functions in Consecutive 110 Cases in Quaternary Care Cancer Centre, India.

“This we actually found was very complex,” says Prof. Dr. Somashekhar SP, Chairman & HOD Surgical Oncology, Manipal Health Enterprise; Consultant Surgical & Gynec.Onco & Robotic Surgeon, HIPEC Super specialist at Manipal Comprehensive Cancer Center. ” The learning curve analysis was quite different in this particular area.”

He addressed the Robotic Surgeons Council of India about the importance of preserving the function of the sphincter and the need for standardization and reproducibility in sphincter preserving rectal cancer procedures, “By various surgeons across the Globe…” Prof. Somashekhar reveals data published in international journals, but also shows excellent robotic surgery video footage of some of the specifics as well. The anatomic variations between male and female patients are also discussed, along with much more- in his thorough look at this topic.

Lecture, with PPT’s and good robotic surgery videos, 10:47

Oncology, Wellbeing