Vattikuti Explorers: Margherita Ciabattini

The Vattikuti Explorers program provides young medical students the opportunity for exposure to the latest ideas and innovations in Surgery. Several Explorers from all over the world have been selected to visit the ORSI Academy in Belgium to attend a Junior ORSI session, August 2024. Vattikuti Foundation CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari interviewed each student selected for this honor (paid for in full by the Foundation). Here is his interview of Margherita Ciabattini.

Margherita Ciabattini, is currently a fifth year of medical student at Università Vita Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Italy. She has decided to focus on Urology. Recently, she spent 8-weeks in the U.S. studying at the Urology Department of Stanford University. She recently has presented research at the EAU 2024 Congress in Paris. ZOOM interview, 26:40

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