Robotic Assisted Radical Cystectomy in the Female


From the OLV Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute, surgeon Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mottrie’s video shows a Robotic Assisted Radical Cystectomy performed by him with a da Vinci Si system. In the video the procedure is shown step by step how to perform a radical cystectomy assisted by a da Vinci SI system. Starting with the division of the ureters followed by extended pelvic lymphadenectomy, division of the Vesicle pedicles and dissection of the pelvic floor, En bloc Excision of the Vaginal Vault and anterior vaginal wall, En bloc Urethra and bladder removal (with lymph node packets), vaginal closure and as last part a isolation of a ileal segment for conduit and ileal reanastomosis, Uretero -ileal anastomosis (including formation of the wallace type posterior ureteric plate).
We see highlights of the procedure, including footage with fluorescence. Robotic surgery video, not narrated. 13:11
