Secondary Debunking of Ovarian Cancer…


Secondary Debunking of Ovarian Cancer With Liver Mobilization and Full Thickness Diaphragmatic Resection is the complete title of Dr. Walter Gotlieb’s VGR 2015 presentation. The McGill University-SMBD Jewish General Hospital Associate professor, Departments of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Oncology, McGill University narrates robotic surgery video and explains his work with labels and diagrams. The patient had four cancerous nodules, with the fourth and final one was “much bigger,” in a posterior node and was discovered going through the muscle, invading the diaphragm, leading to removal of the diaphagmatic tissue around it. Well-edited and explained by a master surgeon, who directs the viewer through the many aspects of this difficult procedure. 13:01

Gynecology, Oncology