Vattikuti Explorers: Maryam Imran

The Vattikuti Explorers program provides young medical students the opportunity for exposure to the latest ideas and innovations in Surgery. Several Explorers from all over the world have been selected to visit the ORSI Academy in Belgium to attend a Junior ORSI session. Vattikuti Foundation CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari interviewed each student selected for this honor (paid for in full by the Foundation). Here is his interview of Maryam Imran.

Maryam Imran is an immigrant (from when 3-years-old) from Pakistan, to the U.K. Her goal of becoming a Surgeon led her to University College London. Active as Academic Surgery Chair for UCL’s Surgical Society, she initiated a free series of programs for fellow students to gain exposure to robotic surgery for medical students who had little previous experience. A student of data science and AI, she joins the select group of Vattikuti Explorers attending a Junior ORSI session in August, 2024, sponsored by the Vattikuti Foundation. VF CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari held an informal interview with her via ZOOM, August, 202r prior to her travels to ORSI in Belgium.

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