Bleeding During Robotic Excision of Mediastinal Parathyroid Adenoma


“This is a video titled How to Make An Easy Case Difficult,” says Medanta Consultant Thoracic Surgeon Dr. Ali Zamir Khan, Head of Department: Minimally Invasive VATS and Robotic Thoracic Surgery. He was training a junior surgeon through a Mediastinal Parathyriod Ectopic Adenoma. “It is quite a straightforward surgery most times,” says the surgeon. He describes the anatomy and procedure while we view excellent da Vinci robotic camera video. “Well done,” he tells his student. The tumor is being removed by his Junior, but is still attached to a branch of the subclavien artery. It began to ooze, then a significant bleed begins before it can be clamped.

In this informative presentation from a top surgeon, he tells how the procedure changes to an urgent undocking and emergency Thoracotomy. Good advice and observations from the lesson both he and his student learned that day. Lecture, with videos, PPT’s and diagrams. 06:21

Robotics, Wellbeing