Update on the ERUS curricular training in RARP


Alessandro Volpe, M.D. was the invited International Faculty for the April, 2017 Robotic Surgeons Couincil of India (RSC) meetings. He is an Associate Professor of Urology at the University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara, Italy and OLV Robotic Surgery Institute, Aalst, Belgium. He is a robotic urologic surgeon at Maggiore Della Carita Hospital, Novara, Italy.

Alessandro Volpe, M.D. was the invited International Faculty for the April, 2017 Robotic Surgeons Couincil of India (RSC) meetings. He is an Associate Professor of Urology at the University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara, Italy and OLV Robotic Surgery Institute, Aalst, Belgium. He is a robotic urologic surgeon at Maggiore Della Carita Hospital, Novara, Italy.

Lecture, with PowerPoints, 16:28
