Are you experiencing STD (sexually transmitted disease) symptoms? What Are STDs? ‘STDs’ is short for sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases spread via various sexual activities. The contact can be oral, vaginal, or anal. However, some may be transmitted via close physical contact of the skin as well...

INTRODUCTION What are Mumps and What Causes Them? Mumps is a viral infection caused by a virus called Paramyxovirus. It causes symptoms of viral infection, including fever, fatigue, and muscle pain. This virus infects a pair of salivary glands (parotid glands) found in the cheek, near the...

introduction Decision Making In the Treatment of Prostate Cancer A prostate cancer diagnosis can be hard on your mental, physical and emotional well-being. However, the good news is that it is often curable. Making the relevant prostate cancer treatment choice may not be simple at first. This is...

introduction What Is a Prostate Biopsy? A prostate biopsy is a procedure where small samples of your prostate gland are removed and examined under a microscope after a process to determine the grade (level of agreesiveness) of your prostate cancer. The prostate is a gland right...

introduction How is Prostate Cancer Staged and Graded? According to the World Cancer Research Fund, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer that occurs in men. It is also the fourth most common cancer that occurs overall. has also predicted that an estimated 248,530 men...

introduction How to Treat Prostate a Cancer Recurrence – Don’t Give Up Just Yet! Dealing with prostate cancer and its treatment is tough on its own. It takes a toll on not just your physical health but your mental well-being as well. No one wants to go...

introduction Prostate Cancer- Treatment Options? Have you just received your biopsy report stating that you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer? The worry that must have followed is what to do next, what are the various treatment options out there, and which one should you pick? If you...

introduction What Is Prostate-Specific Antigen? Prostate-Specific Antigen, or PSA, is a product of your prostate gland’s function. High PSA levels could be indicative of prostate cancer. Moreover, high levels could also indicate an enlarged prostate gland or prostatitis (infection of the prostate), which is a...

introduction Chronic Backache Could Be Secondary to Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths among males, which is why screenings and timely attention to potential symptoms are very important. This type of cancer can commonly spread outside the prostate area in...

introduction What is Urinary incontinence? Urinary incontinence is a medical condition in which an individual is unable to control urination, leading to a continuous dribble of urine. It is one of the major complications following radical prostatectomy, a surgery carried out to treat prostate cancer. With the...

INTRODUCTION Prostate Cancer and Importance of Diagnosis Prostate cancer is the most commonly found malignant cancer in males above the age of 65 years old. It originates in the peripheral zone of the prostate. It forms when there is an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of the cells,...

INTRODUCTION About the Prostate Gland The prostate gland is a glandular tissue found in males, and it is present at the bottom of the bladder. It is a part of the male genital tract and produces 30% of the total seminal fluid. Seminal fluid is the fluid...

introduction What is a Radical Prostatectomy? Radical prostatectomy is the surgical procedure carried out to treat early and sometimes locally advanced prostate cancer. Only patients whose cancer is within the confinement of their prostate gland could expect a long-term recurrence free survival. A Radical prostatectomy involves removing...

introduction What is Prostate Cancer? The most common type of cancer, prostate cancer, occurs in the prostate gland in males. The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland responsible for producing the fluid that transports sperms. occurrence How does Prostate Cancer Occur? The prostate is an organ located right under the...

introduction What is Uterine Cancer? Uterine cancer is a type of cancer that forms around the lining of the uterus, more commonly known as endometrial cancer. The majority of uterine cancer cases found in women are of endometrial cancer. There is another rare type of uterine cancer...

INTRODUCTION What is Colon Cancer? Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a cancer of the large intestine. It begins with an abnormal growth in the intestine’s tissue lining called polyps. Polyps can either be cancerous or noncancerous in nature. In a colon cancer patient, these...

MEDICAL WEBINAR Trans Oral Robotic Surgery Patient Selection in Robotic surgery for cancer of the mouth & throat On January 8, 2021, the Vattikuti Foundation Webinar Series presented: "Trans Oral Robotic Surgery: Patient Selection in Robotic surgery for cancer of the mouth & throat” Keynote speaker: Dr. Surender Dabas,...

Patient WEBINAR In Person vs. Virtual Healthcare The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an increase in the number of virtual consultations in comparison to pre-Covid times, across the globe. This shift is far from being a durable change. We at the Vattikuti Foundation strongly believe in outside-the-hospital care...

Patient WEBINAR Strategies to Prevent Lower Urinary Tract Infection in Women The webinar was conducted by urologists Professors Divakar Dalela and Shivam Priyadarshi. They share information about establishing guidance for the evaluation and management of women with recurrent urinary tract infections, to prevent injudicious use of antibiotics,...