Dr. Mahesh Desai from Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital made it clear that the use and excitement about robotic surgery is growing at his facility. They use the robot: "Irrespective if they (patients), can afford it." They have "lots of plans for expanded use." With PowerPoint...

  Alok Shrivastava discusses "Why Retroperitoneal Approach is not needed?" at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi. His take for the renal precedures is very different than that of two of his colleagues (Ashok Hemal and Indirbir Gill) proponents of retroperitoneal kidney robotic procedures- he...

  Asian Heart Hospital's Dr. Mangesh Patil talked about how prostatectomies are the most-done procedure there, but uses for gynecology and TORS are just some of the newer uses there. ...

  Dr. Arvind Kumar, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital talked about the many programs that now utilize the robot, including radical nephrectomy procedures actually being done more than radical prostatectomies. Bariatric procedures there may be the most being done in India, he claims, but several other...

  Apollo Kolkata's Dr. Vinay Mahendra says that robotic surgery is gradually starting to be seen as a present standard of treatment there. From 2013, lecture with Powerpoints, 05:57. ...

  Dr. Arun Prasad of Apollo Delhi gave a video tour of what the robotic complex looks like and talks about the dedicated work going on there. He ended with with a clip of robot graspers dancing to Elvis Presley music. Lecture with PPT's...

  The Transition from Pure Laparoscopic to Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy by Dr. Deepak Dubey, of the Manipal Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute. Improving continence for RARP patients is the topic of this presentation, comparing his laparoscopic results to robotic results in his personal database. 8:23 ...

  Dr. Anathakrishnan Sivaraman from Apollo Hospital Delhi presents some of his technique for nerve sparing and improved continence following Robotic Radical Prostatectomy surgery. With surgery video shot on screen. 8:24 ...

  Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat, Medanta Vattikuti Institute of Robotic Surgery Chair of Urology presents his unique ideas about technique for the Robotic Radical Prostatectomy. Excellent video of his work narrated live at the Robotic Surgeons Council of India gathering in August, 2013. 9:25 minutes ...

  Dr. Mahesh R. Desai, Medical Director for the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital is the first of six speakers discussing his technique for Robotic Radical Prostatectomy surgery at the meeting of the Robotic Surgeons Council of India, August 2013. 16 minutes, lecture with video...

  In this video from the August meeting, Drs. Narmada Gupta, Mahesh Desai and Mahendra Bhandari host a group discussion about the direction to be taken by the Robotic Surgeons Council of India during this formative period. 36 minutes ...

  For the first program in the Vattikuti Scholar webinar series, Vattikuti Foundation CEO, Urologist and transplant surgeon Dr. Mahendra Bhandari offers his ideas for young medical professionals about making their best career choices. This Webinar was designed as a way for Dr. Bhandari...

  In this video Dr. Manav Suryavanshi, the Senior Consultant-Robotics & Endo Urologyat Medanta the Medicity explains Operating Room setup in Robotic Pelvic Surgery. He also explains O.T overlay, Draping, Instruments, Patient positioning, Port placement and Docking. Narrated with PPT's and images. 10:24 ...

  The Robotic Surgeons Council of India is a small organization consisting of some of the pioneers and leaders of Indian surgical robotics. This is but a glimpse of the meeting held in August 2013. Meetings are scheduled twice a year. ...

  In this video, Vattikuti Foundation CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari describes the Foundation's reasons, efforts and incentives for India's robotic surgeons to maintain a well-managed database of robotic surgery. Dr. Mihir Desai, Professor of Urology and Director of Robotic Surgery at the Keck Hospital at the...

  In this surgical video Dr. Nithya Narayanan performs Robotic Assisted Thyroidectomy for a 43 year old Male at Apollo Hospital Chennai. Patient positioning, Marking the patient for dissection, Retractor blade positioning, and Port placement are explained graphically. Full length video without Editing 36:14 min. ...

  Prof PN Dogra Prof and Head, Department of Urology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi presents the Status of Robotic Surgery at Robotic Surgeons Counils meet held at Delhi on 8th and 9th February 2014. Dr Arvind Kumar from Sir Ganga Ram Hospitals...

  Urologist and Pediatric robotic surgeon Dr. Craig A. Peters presents a case of an 10 -year old girl with long standing bilateral reflux with renal damage, who had previously undergone Deflux injections which were unsuccessful. Peters is on-camera introducing us to his case,...

  In this video Dr. Manav Suryavanshi, Senior Consultant Robotic & Endourology at the Medanta Vattikuti Institute of Robotic Surgery performs Bilateral Robotic Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection in Post Chemotherapy NSGCT of Testes on a 46 year old male patient who has 6cm residual mass post...

  Working with vascular surgeons at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Dr. (Prof.) Arvind Kumar is using the surgical robot for the abdominal portion of aortic vascular anastomosis. He uses da Vinci camera video of actual procedures, plus PowerPoints to help show his work. "...

  Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS), is a recent addition (March, 2013), to the robotic surgery offerings at the Rajiv Ghandi Cancer Institute & Research Center. Dr. Surender Dabas relates some of his experiences and ideas, plus talks about the patient benefits. With photos, PowerPoints and...

  Noted robotic pediatric surgeon Dr. Venkat Sripathi, Consultant at Apollo Children's Hospital, presents some of his ideas about da Vinci robot use and technique for children. He narrates video of an Appendico-vesicotomy he performed with the robot (RALAV). Also included are PowerPoints about parental feedback,...

  Manipal Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute's Dr. S. P. Somashekhar presents his ideas on robotic procedures for rectal cancer. Included are PowerPoint diagrams, videos and discussion from the group. He focuses on new ideas for port placement to eliminate robotic arm collisions. He documents this...

  Apollo Health City Consultant Gynecologist and laparoscopic/Robotic surgeon Dr. Rooma Sinha talks about her "other options" for robotic myomectomy, a uterine-sparing procedure for fibroids. The procedure, "Which happens to be my favorite with the robo," says Dr.Sinha because "...

  Dr. Gagan Gautam, Head of Robotic Surgery & Urologic Oncology at the Medanta Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute Talks about robotic urinary diversion, and how this may be the "next step" in robotic urinary surgery. Video from the robotic camera enhances his presentation as he...

  Urologist T.B. Yuvaraja from Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital says that "There's a few small changes," in his technique for Robotic Radical Prostatectomy. Patient and port positions and arm placement are discussed. PowerPoints and good surgery videos taken from the da Vinci surgical camera...

  Dr. Vinay Mahendra, Senior Consultant Urologist at Kokata's Apollo Gleneagles Hospital talks about his experiences doing the bladder neck construction during RARP. With comments from RSC moderator Narmada P. Gupta. Also on screen surgery video. 5:14 ...

  Dr. Rooma Sinha, from Apollo Hyderabad says their 1-year-old program is making enthusiastic strides in Urology and Gynecology. Good potential exists for growth there in other fields. She was glad to note that a woman who underwent a robotic myomectomy there even recently became pregnant....

  Dr. S. P. Somashekhar admits that he is one of the two surgeons who are performing most of the active robotic procedures at Manipal hospital. They are appreciative of the mentors who have helped them and are working to expand the use of...

  In this video we hear from Dr P.N. Dogra, from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), says the enthusiasm for what is happening in his hospital is growing in several departments, with over 850 procedures done robotically so far. He also thanks...

  Robotic Nephroureterectomy is the topic of Dr. Akshay Bhandari's presentation to the Robotic Surgeons Council of India. Bhandari is the Director of Robotic Surgery and assistant Professor of Urology for the Columbia University Division of Urology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach,...

  In this video Dr Manav Suryavanshi Senior Consultant Robotic & Endourology Medanta Vattikuti Institute of Robotic Surgery explains Robotic Ureteric Reimplantation Intraperitoneal Replication of the open Technique. With narration, Images, and surgery video helps to understand the technique in detail. 07:39min ...

  Consultant Urologist and Chief of the Laparoscopy division of the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, Dr. Arvind P Ganpule speaks about the team there learning the basics at IRCAD and now the growing accomplishments in robotic surgery at MPUH. They have hosted workshops, expanded pediatric...

  In this Intuitive Surgical video, surgeon Michael Stifleman, from New York University Langone Medical Center, demonstrates the use of Fluorescence ("Firefly" tm). He begins on camera with an introduction of his patient's condition, port and robot placement and also shows internal images of the...

  Atlanta's Northside Hospital surgeon Scott Miller, Director of the Advanced Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery Program there, presents a 2 hour and 37 minute video of a "Challenging" robotic prostatectomy presented at the 2012 AUA and moderated by Randy Fagin, Senior Medical Advisor, Intuitive Surgical and...

  Professor Arvind Kumar reports that robotic surgery is growing at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Urology, Thoracic and Bariatric are the strongest, but Gynecology is experiencing growth as well. Presented at the Robotic Surgeons Council of India meeting February 8th 2014. 8:50 with lecture...

  University of Alabama Birmingham Chief of Robotic Surgery and Professor of Surgery Dr. Robert J. Cerfolio gives a meaningful, heartfelt lecture to the Robotic Surgeons Council of India, February 2014. In his wide-ranging remarks, he suggests that medical students and junior faculty should be...

  Vattikuti Foundation C.E.O, noted Urologist and one of the prime proponents of expanding robotic surgery in India, Dr. Mahendra Bhandari outlines several of his goals at the February 2014 meeting of the Robotic Surgeons Council of India. He talks about data collection and sharing;...

  Greg Lovallo, MD, FACS presents a video of a robotic simple prostatectomy done on a 72-year-old. Lovallo starts by opening the bladder, retracting the prostate with a suture. He discusses use of the 4th arm for retraction throughout the procedure. Ideas on preventing bleeding...

  Dr Jagdishwar Goud Gajagowni from Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Hyderabad presents the Status of Robotic Surgery at Robotic Surgeons Council Meet held at Delhi on 7 and 8th February 2014. He shared that they are looking for a robotic urologist at...

  Dr. S.P. Somashekhar from Manipal Hospital Bangalore presents the Status of Robotic Surgery at the Robotic Surgeons Council meeting held in New Delhi on 7th and 8th February 2014. He highlights his "Split and Roll" technique for Para-Aortic Lymph node dissection for hysterectomy...

  In this Video, Dr. Arun Prasad MS, FRCS shows the steps of the 1st Indian Robotic Surgery for Pancreatic Cystogastrostomy done at Apollo Delhi Hospital. The steps are explained with da Vinci robotic video with titles added to it. Not narrated. 4:58min ...

  Vattikuti Foundation CEO, Dr. Mahendra Bhandari gave a video address to the First Conference of the Urological Association of Uttar Pradesh, India, because he was unable to attend in person. His message is one that resonates across many levels- and features surfing, chemistry, chess...

  In this video Dr Arun Prasad MS, FRCS, Apollo Hospital Delhi performs Robotic Hepaticojejunostomy, in his view Robotic Hepaticojejunostomy perhaps is the best way to do this procedure. The techniques are explained with titles. ...

  Dr Arun Prasad MS, FRCS, Senior Consultant Robotic Surgeon at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India shows how robotic mini gastric bypass weight loss surgery is done for morbid obesity. Video with diagrams, PPT's 03:29 ...

  Dr Arun Prasad MS, FRCS, Senior Consultant Robotic Surgeon at Apollo Hospital Delhi performs Robotic Gastric Bypass Bariatric Surgery. With OR external video showing patient, port and robotic docking set up and da Vinci surgery video. Video labels /titles throughout. 06:05 ...

  Dr Robert J. Cerfolio, Professor & Chief of Thoracic Surgery for the University of Alabama-Birmingham participated in a Four day workshop conducted by the Vattikuti Foundation from February 10 2014 to February 13 2014 at Apollo Hospital, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and Medanta The Medicity....

  In this 7-minute video, narrated By Dr. Khurshid Ghani (one of the team surgeons), we see an abbreviated look at the groundbreaking kidney transplant procedure devised by Vattikuti Urology Institute Chair Dr. Mani Menon. This video has excerpts from the video submitted to European...

  For the first half of the Anesthesia in Robotic Surgery session at the Robotic Surgeons Council of India, Dr. Sangeeta Khanna, Associate Director of the Medanta Institute of Critical Care & Anesthesia talked about Evolution, Challenges and the Way Forward. Having one team in...

  Dr. Amita Maheshwari, Tata Memorial Hospital Prof. Gynecologic Oncology presents some of the technique, risks and post-surgery advice for Adnexo mass tumor. Lecture with da Vinci video & PPTs 20:50 ...

  Dr. Parveen Bhatia demonstrates his technique on a 50-year-old man with complete rectal prolapse in this excellent iMas video. With good instructional narration, PowerPoints, diagrams, photos and robotic surgery video. 9:26 ...

  Dr. Abraham Peedicayil, Professor & Head of the Gynecologic Oncology Unit, Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore, discusses the extent and role of lympadenectomy in endometrial cancer. He talks about the controversy of LND in different countries and explains the various treatment options based on risk...

  Dr. S. P. Somashekhar, Manipal Hospital Head & Consultant- Department of Surgical & Gynaec Oncology & Robotic Surgeon Adjunct Professor in Surgical Oncology (KMC). Dr. Somashekhar's passion and expertise is apparent in this presentation, which is full of tips and images, charts and video...

  Dr Jagdeesh Kulkarni compares the outcomes of 428 Retropubic Radical Prostatetomy procedures (Both open and robotic) done at the Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences. (There were 670 cases total) Robotic radical prostatectomy surgery has proven to have much better outcomes for his patients. Complications...

  Dr Rajendra Prasad (Neurosurgeon), and Dr Arun Prasad (GI Surgeon) with team performs first Indian Robotic surgery of Lumbar Interbody Fusion using da vinci robot at Apollo Hospital New Delhi. Photos x-ray and video of patient set-up (graphic) and robotic surgery video with labels....

  King's College London Professor of Surgery & Urological Innovation and Robotic Surgeon at Guy's Hospital talks with Dr. Mahendra Bhandari, CEO, Vattikuti Foundation about the growth of robotic surgery in India, thanks to the efforts of the Foundation. 02:01 ...

  Prof. Krishnansu Tewari, University of California Irvine Director of Research, Gynecological Oncology begins by answering an audience question about lymph node dissection, from a previous presentation by Dr. Abraham Peedicayil (Lymphasdenectomy in Endometrial Cancer). About 8:15 into this video, he begins the title presentation by...

  Robotics in Infants and Children Dr. Arvind P. Ganpule, Vice Chairman, Department of Urology, Chief, Division of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH), gives an interesting presentation including Robotic pyleoplasty in a 3-month female and Robotic ureteric tapering with reimplantation....

  Consultant Gynecological Oncosurgeon at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, uses many clips of robotic camera video while describing to the RSC audience his robotic radical hysterectomy technique. He explains the advantages robotic has over laparoscopic surgery for the patient. Tips on his "landmarks" and concise step-by-step...

  Robotic Renal Transplantation: A Collaborative Work. Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat, the Chairman of Medanta, the Medicity Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation was a major participant in the groundbreaking Robotic Kidney Transplantation With Regional Hypothermia project along with Dr. Mani Menon of the VUI, the...

  Dr. Parveen Bhatia, from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital presentation on the state of Bariatric surgery in India from the September, 2014 meeting of the Robotic Surgeons Council of India. His lecture, entitled Enhancing Precision in Super Obese Robotic Bariatric Surgery, has good commentary, ideas,...

  Following presentations by Dr's. Sangeeta Khanna and Jyotirmoy Das, the discussion was lively amongst the members of the Robotic Surgeons Council of India. Here is the video of the presenters and some of the council participants, including guest speaker Prof. Robert J. Cerfolio, who shares...

  For his half of the RSC Anesthesia in Robotic Surgery session, Medanta Consultant Anesthesiologist Dr. Jyotirmoy Das titled his talk Cruising the Robotic Turbulance- A Survivors Diary. "It was not smooth sailing at all" he claims, and lists some of the difficulties encountered along...

  Since late 2011, Asian heart has been utilizing robotic surgery, focusing on prostatectomies. Dr Kulkarni discusses technique, results and the future for the robot. He also feels that as a 60-year-old surgeon, using the robot has no drawbacks. ...

  Robotics in Endometriosis- Does It Give an Edge? Dr. Rooma Sinha, Gynecologist, Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeon at Apollo Health City, Hyderabad gives her presentation to the Robotic Surgeons Council of India, which is full of robotic camera surgery video and her excellent commentary. She...

  Robotic HPB Surgery: Our experience and limits: Pier C. Giulianotti, MD, FACS,is Professor and Chief, Division of General, Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery for the University of Illinois (US) Hospital and Health Sciences System. In his video lecture made specially for the VGR 2015...

  Just Amazing: The Vattikuti Foundation and Robotic Surgery in India: In this video made for the Vattikuti Global Robotics 2015 Robotic Surgery Conference, we get a look at some of the history and highlights in India from the efforts of the Vattikuti Foundation. We hear...

  We take a very fast look at the highlights of the Robotic Kidney Transplant With Regional Hypothermia project. Portions of the first and third transplants done in Detroit at the Vattikuti UrologyInstitute/Henry Ford Hospital are shown. ...

  Dr. Krishnansu Tewari, invited guest speaker at the International Live Operative Workshop and Master Class in Gynecologic Oncology, held at Manipal Hospital in conjunction with the RSC, September 14th & 15th, 2014, is a Professor at the University of California, Irvine and Director...

  In the third edition of his Interview series, Dr. Mahendra Bhandari, the Vattikuti Foundation CEO interviews stem cell research scientist and pioneer Graziella Pellegrini, Associate Professor of Cell Biology, Head Cell Therapy Program, at the Universita Degli Studi Di Modena E Reggio Emilia (University of...

  Prof. Mottrie , Urologist and founder of the OLV Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute in Aalst, Belgium, narrates his video technique for a "very radical lymphadenectomy" as the initial steps proceed. Each step is thoroughly presented with da Vinci camera video. Lecture and...

  Senior Consultant, Pediatric Urology, Apollo Children's Hospital, Dr. Venkat Sripathi talks about his 36 cases, ending with a complication from a cut renal vein and how his team worked to repair it. Lecture with PPT's Photos, X-ray and robotic video. 05:21 ...

  Dr. S. P. Somashekhar HOD & Consultant Surgical & Gynec. Oncologist from the Manipal Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute narrates and demonstrates his technique with good external video footage, diagrams and da Vinci robotic camera video. He describes port placement and why he chooses the...

  Manipal Surgeon Dr. Somashekhar displays his passion for treating advanced ovarian cancer as he demonstrates possibilities for improving treatment. His analysis of the spread of cancer cells within the peritoneum demands special chemo therapy solutions. No robotic surgery in this presentation. Lecture...

  Prof. Dogra, from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, says that the robot is the best method for most ureteropelvic junction obstruction patients. He discusses problems, using CT Scan, Bilateral Nephrostogram, photographs and robotic camera videos, where we see his technique....

  Director of Pediatric Urology, University of Chicago Medicine- Comer Children's Hospital, Dr. Gunderti begins by talking about the difficulties he initially faced by doing "remote" surgery, not in direct contact with his patients. His multi-faceted presentation covers the need for more training, curriculum...

  Medanta Transplant surgeon and Urology Chair, Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat has been at the forefront of robotic kidney transplantation, working intensely with VUI Chair Dr. Mani Menon to refine the ice slush cooling transplantation technique Menon devised. Ahlawat has done the most robotic transplants...

  Dr. Parveen Bhatia, Chairman of the Institute of Minimal Access Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, talks about treating the super-obese, sometimes as emergency cases. Port placement diagrams and a discussion of complications help make this a well-rounded presentation. Lecture with PPT's...

  Dr. S. P. Somashekhar, Consultant Oncologist at Manipal, begins talking about his reluctant start to robotic thyroidectomy in 2011. He narrates his external camera shots and then the da Vinci robotic camera. He then talks about subsequent cases and his advice on...

  KDAH Consultant Bariatric & Gastrointestinal surgeon Dr. Palep shows highlights of his procedures with PowerPoints and Robotic video. Dr. Palep advocates a "Hybrid" robotic & laparoscopic procedure for difficult patients, which he explains to the audience, including side-by-side videos. Lecture with PPT's and...

  KIMS Clinical Director of Robotic Surgery and H.O.D. Surgical Oncology, Dr. Goud started the program 2 years ago. He talks about the steps of the trans-axillary Tyroidectomy, telling the audience his steps with animation, diagrams and robotic surgery video with position identifiers. ...

  Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Associate Consultant in Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery, Dr. Bindal says "The complexity of bariatric cases are increasing day-by-day." He discusses the different types of gastric procedures and use of the robotic compared to other methods. Lecture with...

  Duke University Associate Professor Dr. Ranjan Sudan presents this bariatric procedure by first discussing port placement and cautions, including good diagrams about marking the bowel. He then narrates a 4-minute video clip showing the Duodenal Switch portion of his procedure. 10:28 ...

  Dr. Shukla-Kulkarni, Consultant in Gynecology Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeon, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai talks about her efforts in benign gynecological robotic surgery. Photos, diagrams, charts and robotic surgery video enhance her presentation as she describes her site specific repair technique for various...

  Dr. Shalini Rajaram, Professor Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University College of Medical Sciences & Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Delhi initiates her talk proclaiming the benefits of minimally invasive surgery, but explains that laparoscopy has drawbacks that robotic surgery does not have for...

  Dr. Kulkarni, Consultant Gynecological Oncosurgeon at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, talks about factors in Cervical Carcinoma, TLRH (Total Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy), RRH (Robotic Radical Hysterectomy). Lecture with PPT's 12:30. ...

  Dr. Neerja Bhatia, Additional Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences discusses using 'Surgery vs. Chemoradiation' for cervical cancer, the 2nd most prevalent cancer for women in India. She points out the difficulties with using...

  "This is a talk that should not come from a clinician, it should come from a manager!" This is how renown Medanta transplant surgeon, VUI and Vattikuti Foundation friend Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat begins his VGR 2015 presentation. For the next 20 Minutes, he...

  Guy's Hospital,King's College London Professor of Robotic Surgery and Urological Innovation, Dr. Dasgupta tells the VGR 2015 audience about the latest developments in Robotic Radical Prostatectomy. Using plenty of well-labeled robotic surgery clips, photos and lively discussion, he offers plenty of tips and...

  Guest lecturer at the VGR 2015 Conference, Dr. Dipen Parekh is the Chairman of Urology at the University of Miami (Florida, USA). He takes his audience through a robotic partial nephrectomy with insightful comments (including group discussion with surgeons in the audience) Photos...

  Ajay Sharma, Royal Liverpool University Hospital Consultant in Transplant and General Surgery Vattikuti Scholar webinar presentation: Critical Appraisal of Literature. Dr. Sharma, the second Vattikuti Scholar webcast presenter was in Liverpool, England. He captivated his audience with many different ideas about journal...

  MPUH Consultant Urologist and Chief, Laparoscopy, presents his ideas at the VGR 2015 conference about treating kidney stones in difficult situations. He discusses and shows the technique of using ice slush for cooling kidney during ischemia. Lecture with PPT's, x-rays, photos of open...

  KDAH consultant in Uro-Oncology, Dr. Yuvaraja analyzes data on robotic surgeries and what to do when "things go wrong," including anesthesia, patient positioning and several video clips of surgical cases. Lecture with PPT and robotic surgery videos, 15:31. ...

  "Every minute matters," says Medanta robotic surgeon Dr. Gagan Gautam. He discusses selective clamping techniques and his favorite- early unclamping techniques during partial nephrectomy. Lecture with PPT's and video. 13:04 ...

  Medanta surgeon Dr. N. P. Gupta discusses how patients are categorized into risk classifications. High-risk patients: "We can definitely make their lives better," says the surgeon about these prostate cancer patients. Lecture with PowerPoints, short Q & A. 15:34 ...

  Trends on Robotic Cystectomy in the US and Europe presented by the Urology Chairman of the University of Florida. Dr. Parekh compares statistics of open and robotic surgery for both surgery/hospitalization and Quality of life outcomes. Lecture with PowerPoints. 12:12 ...

  From VGR 2015, Dr. Alexandre Mottrie narrating various robotic surgery video clips highlighting his technique for cystectomy. With good, clear video (including fluorescence) and expert commentary describing anatomy and useful tips for the surgeon. 12:20 ...

  Dr. Kulkarni shares his results from over 250 patients who have undergone a Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy. From the VGR 2015 Conference. With PPT's, photos, group discussion with Q & A. 11:22. ...

  Intuitive Surgical's Director of Medical Research, Dr. Catherine Mohr talks with Dr. Mahendra Bhandari, Vattikuti Foundation CEO about the ways that cancer will be discovered and treated in the not-too-distant future. ...

  Recorded from a live presentation as part of the 24-Hours of robotic surgery live streaming event in WRSE-24, 2015, Foundation partner surgeon Prof.Dr. Alexandre Mottrie takes a look at the history of surgery and exciting developments in robotic surgery, with the focus on Urology....

  In this video from OVRSI Partner Surgeon Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mottrie which was published on YouTube March 13, 2015, you will see a NeoBladder urinary diversion performed by Prof. Dr. Mottrie with a da Vinci Si system. Step by step there is shown how the...

  From the OLV Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute, surgeon Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mottrie's video shows a Robotic Assisted Radical Cystectomy performed by him with a da Vinci Si system. In the video the procedure is shown step by step how to perform a radical cystectomy assisted...

  In this video from Partner Surgeon Nikhil Vasdev, we see a patient being prepped for Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy (RALP). "Patient position is as important as performing precision surgery with the da Vinci system," says a narrator as they describe the critical steps which...

  Dr. Craig Rogers of the Vattikuti Urology Institute demonstrates and narrates the first step (Patient history and port placement) of robotic partial nephrectomy using the 4-arm approach for a kidney with multiple tumors in complex locations. Robotic Surgery external and external videos with PPt's,...

  From Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Co-Director of Robotic Surgery Mario Leitao, Jr., describes the emerging role and clear benefits of the robotic platform for operating on gynecologic cancers. His lecture is with PowerPoints and robotic surgery videos, which highlight some of the...

Entrepreneur Raj Vattikuti and his wife Padma wanted to do more than just give money, following their incredible business success. They chose to create the Vattikuti Foundation, the mission: "To Make A Difference"   Helping the disadvantaged, advancing medicine, sharing knowledge and giving aid where disaster strikes...

  From Partner Surgeon Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat, Chairman, Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Medanta Institute of Kidney and Urology at Medanta, the Medicity: Minor variations in technique may affect the outcome variables. We emphasise the simplicity of steps as have crystallised over the...

  From Vattikuti Foundation Partner Surgeon Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat, Chairman, Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Medanta Institute of Kidney and Urology at Medanta, the Medicity: Partial nephrectomy may be difficult to offer to patients with centrally located Renal hilar tumors. A video of Robotic...

  Dr. Craig Rogers, at the prestigious Vattikuti Urology Institute (Henry Ford Hospital) in Detroit, Michigan, demonstrates the use of V-loc barbed suture for renal reconstruction during robotic partial nephrectomy. Dr. Rogers trained at Johns Hopkins University and at the National Cancer Institute before joining...

  In this video, Dr Craig Rogers, a pioneering robotic surgeon at the prestigious Vattikuti Urology Institute, discusses the variation in surgical technique during robotic partial nephrectomy and robotic radical nephrectomy. Robotic surgery with PPT's, photos of port placement and diagrams. The da...

  Dr. Craig Rogers from the prestigious Vattikuti Urology Institute performs a robot-assisted adrenalectomy. Dr. Rogers is a leading expert in robotic approaches to kidney, prostate and adrenal surgery. Use of robotic clips on arteries is shown and described. Both left-sided and right-sided adrenalectomy...

  In this video, VUI Chair Dr. Mani Menon performs the Vattikuti Institute Prostatectomy, a procedure which uses robotic technology to assist in removal of prostate cancer. This include the nerve-sparing Veil of Aphrodite procedure. Robotic surgery video, narrated with expert tips. ...