Secondary Debunking of Ovarian Cancer With Liver Mobilization and Full Thickness Diaphragmatic Resection is the complete title of Dr. Walter Gotlieb's VGR 2015 presentation. The McGill University-SMBD Jewish General Hospital Associate professor, Departments of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Oncology, McGill University narrates robotic surgery...

  "What we need to do is distinguish the patients who benefit the most from robotics." says accomplished Canadian surgeon Dr. Walter Gotlieb, MD, PhD, Director, Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy, Sir Mortimer P. Davis-Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec. He talks about the patient...

  University of Miami Chairman, Department of Urology, Dr. Dipen J. Parekh claims that "You can't do anything without sound data." He talks about the costs and effort it takes to maintain quality data and explains healthcare data issues. Parekh looks at possible future...

  Raj Vattikuti, Businessman and Philanthropist welcomes attendees to the robotic surgery conference that bears his name. "Compared with where we started, there is a lot of progress in India," he tells the audience. 03:00 ...

  Dr. Robert J. Cerfolio, University of Alabama- Birmingham Chief of Thoracic Surgery begins by reminding his audience that there is more to life than being a great surgeon. "Every Surgeon is an athlete and the operating room is your playing field," says Cerfolio....

  VUI Research Fellow Dr. Akshay Sood talks about optimizing the learning curve to maximize patient safety. As a surgeon learns, Sood states that it is important to have oversight in place to not only monitor surgeon progress, but patient safety as well. He uses...

  Vattikuti Urology Institute surgeon Dr. Wooju Jeong presents a video of the robotic procedure developed at the VUI. Robotic surgery video, CT scans and photos of port placement all highlight the renal/vein procedure. Jeong then discusses findings from various journals. 11:38 ...

  SGRH robotic surgeon Dr. Vivek Bindal talks about preventable medical errors, and how to eliminate the mistakes. Standardized training, behavior and competency testing of robotic surgeons before they begin proctored training will improve outcomes. Lecture with PowerPoints. 11:12 ...

  Vice Chair, Dept. of Surgery at Duke University, Dr. Ranjan Sudan shares the benefits of using robotic surgery for his bariatric patients and some of his accomplishments. He cites several different procedures, showing diagrams for each, and explains the usefulness of the robotic procedures....

  A self-proclaimed "Hands on surgeon," Prof. Dr. Prokar Dasgupta presents what he calls the "Three Components of Competence" to the VGR 2015 audience. Simulation training costs and benefits are covered for various simulation trainers on the market. He compares surgeons to cowboys as...

  O. L. V. Clinic robotic surgeon Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mottrie describes how the program is growing with the partnership with the Vattikuti Foundation, Raj and Padma Vattikuti and Foundation C. E. O. Dr. Mahendra Bhandari's support and guidance. Mottrie also shows video clips...

  Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat: Urologist and Transplant Surgeon and Medanta head of the Kidney and Urology Institute takes on the "skeptics," as he explaind the benefits of various robotic procedures at VGR 2012 conference held at Delhi. Lecture with PowerPoints with comments following his...

  Dr. Eren Berber discusses technique and ideas with several robotic video clips of different procedures of the liver and pancreas. Lecture, with photos and PPT's at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi. Q & A from the audience help make this very interesting....

  Doctor S. P. Somashekhar, Manipal Hospital Head & Consultant- Department of Surgical & Gynaec Oncology & Robotic Surgeon Adjunct Professor in Surgical Oncology (KMC) will remove the affected part of the colon and then join together the remaining healthy sections of the bowel.This procedure is...

  The Vattikuti Foundation presented a series of programs in hospitals across India promoting the advancement of Robotic Surgery. Doctors from the US and India helped colleagues learn what using the robot can mean for them- and their patients. This video shares some of...

  Robotic Surgery Pioneer Dr. Mani Menon, Director of the Vattikuti Urology Institute at the Henry Ford Health System teams with Vattikuti Foundation C. E. O. Dr. Mahendra Bhandari and three VUI Doctors in Residency or Fellowships to offer advice to prospective candidates. Originally entitled...

  Produced by Vattikuti Urology Institute surgeons, Barbed Suture for Renorrhaphy during Robotic Partial Nephrectomy demonstrates cases where barbed surgical sutures can be beneficial following renal tumor removal as the remaining kidney is reconstructed. With excellent da Vinci camera videos and explanations to accompany....

  David Eisenstein, Henry Ford Hospital,talks to a reporter about robotic surgery at the VGR 2012 Conference. He also comments on the growth or robotic surgery in india. 1:50 ...

  ENT surgeon Dr. Tamer Ghanem discusses the benefits of using the da Vinci surgical robot for throat cancer treatment. 4:56 (Vattikuti Foundation & Henry Ford Hospital footage.) ...

  Vascular surgeon Dr. Judith Lin shows how surgical robotics improves her work, and her patient's outcomes. Also we have a glimpse at the Vattikuti Foundation efforts to grow robotic surgery in India. 4:36 ...

  Dr. Thomas Payne uses videos and PowerPoints to clearly show surgeons his ideas for an efficient, safe robotic hysterectomy. His shares his experience in how to communicate with the other team members to get the best results for the patient. With comments from Dr....

  "You have to believe in it", claims businessman/philanthropist and President of the Vattikuti Foundation Raj Vattikuti. Teamwork, innovation, commitment and quality patient care are some of his ideas that doctors and administrators need to embrace to make robotic surgery programs economically viable in...

  Robotic surgery pioneer Dr. Mani Menon shares the history of how he came to develop the first robotic surgery program in the world. "Buying the robot might be the easiest thing you do," Menon tells the audience as he shares his goals and insight...

  Noted Gynecologist Dr. David Eisenstein and others describe the benefits of Robotic Surgery for gynecologists. 3:57 ...

  During an impromptu speech following dinner at the VGR 2012 Global Robotics conference, Raj Vattikuti, founder of the Vattikuti Foundation, shares his feelings about healthcare, technology, helping the poor and more. 2:11 ...

  Opening Remarks from the Vattikuti Foundation C. E. O. at the VGR 2012 Conference. Noted transplant surgeon and urologist Dr. Mahendra Bhandari talks about the efforts and goals of the Vattikuti Foundation in India to grow robotic surgery for all. 04:22...

  Noted European Urologist Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mottrie's opening remarks at the VGR 2012 Conference touch on his history, Dr. Mani Menon, and the exciting future he sees in robotic surgery. He talks about the multispecialty cooper 04:47 ...

  Vattikuti Foundation C. E. O. Dr. Mahendra Bhandari's VGR 2012 lecture outlining the Vattikuti Foundation's goals and methods for robotic surgery growth in India. Included are ideas about managing the sharing of surgical robotic technology between specialties. Also discussed are how the Indian medical community...

  Dr. Gagan Gautam's briefing "How Many Cores in Prostate Biopsy" at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi.He talks about the history, importance of biopsies from different zones, different methods of testing and other factors. Lecture with PPT's 12:00 ...

  Dr. Koon H. Rha gives a Statistical Information on Prostate Cancer at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi. Culture, diet, economic status and access to health care are but some of the factors. Lecture with PowerPoint 9:10 ...

  Dr. Mani Menon gives answers- as only he can- to technical/patient condition questions about robotic surgery asked by the surgeons gathered at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi. Predominantly dealing with prostate cancer, he compared breast cancer research to prostate cancer, lymph node dissection,...

  Dr. Alok Shrivastava explains the "Indications and Extent of Lymphadenectomy in Robotic Radical Prostatectomy" at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi. He claims the importance of lymphdenectomy surgery has direct survival benefits for the patient. He talks about the value of a...

  Dr Mani Menon, the pioneer robotic surgeon uses a humorous video, surgery video and PowerPoint. A very interesting Q&A session follows. 17:14 To view only the Vattikuti Urology Institute video Menon shows during his VGR presentation, please go to: ...

  Prof. Inderbir Gill, Urology Chair at the University of Southern California, and a leading laparoscopic surgery proponent publicly changed his position regarding robotic surgery during the VGR 2012 conference. He stated that at least in the U.S., laparoscopic surgery- "Will become extinct." ...

  Dr. Koon Rha, Assistant Professor of Urology and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, uses videos to show different challenges surgeons face during radical prostatectomies. Clear, calm solutions to problems that have come up in his experience. Lecture with robotic surgery...

  India's first Gynecologist to use surgical robotics- Dr. Sabhyata Gupta's briefing "Status of Robotic Surgery in India-Gynecology" at VGR Conference 2012. Lecture with PPT's, surgery video, 9:50 ...

  Drs. N. P. Gupta, Savitha Desai, Deepak Raghavan, Debashish Roy and other surgeons discussing "How Our Training of Robotic Surgery Could Have Been Better" at VGR Conference 2012. Surgeons talked about what their robotic surgery training included- and lacked. Good ideas...

  Drs. D. S. Rana, Alexandre Mottrie, Khurshid Guru and James Peabody answering the questions asked by the doctors in the VGR 2012 audience about how they should proceed to become robotic surgeons. Topics include: switching from laparoscopic to robotic, simulator training, anatomy, transitioning....

  The VGR 2012 lecture from Dr. James O. Peabody, of the Vattikuti Urology Institute: Experts in open and laparoscopic surgery have to become students, and need to be teamed with mentors, claims this leader in robotic surgery. Careful initial patient selection by proctors,...

  Prof. Khurshid A. Guru's briefing "The Role of Simulation In Training Of Robotic Surgeons" from the VGR 2012 Conference. He talks about the early reluctance of fellows and surgeons to undergo thorough robotic training. "Mastering the machine," learning curves, legal and human-machine...

  Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mottrie's briefing "How to Train a Co-ordinated Team" at VGR 2012 Conference. Dr. Mottrie's excellent talk about surgeon skills, team logistics, comparing wet labs to dry labs and discusses mentoring needs for robotic surgeons. Lecture with PPT's, photos, cartoons. 14:26...

  "We really feel, this is the way to go, moving forward", said Raj Vattikuti, as he opened the Vattikuti Global Robotics 2012 Multispecialty Robotic Surgery Conference. His "Dream come true," the first-of-its-kind robotic surgery conference in India became an incredible success. Over...

  Dr. Koon Ho Rha, noted Korean Urologist, Associate Professor and Director of Minimally Invasive Training Center at Yonsei University, Seoul discusses the opportunities for better surgical procedures and compares robotic surgery in India, Asia and the rest of the world. He encourages innovation...

  The Current Status of Robotic Surgery/Vascular Surgery. Dr Judith Lin from Detroit's Henry Ford Hospital has pioneered new robotic techniques in the very young field of Robotic Vascular Surgery. She talks about technique, showing surgical slides and video. Lecture with video Photo...

  Current Status of Robotic Surgery- Thoracic. Dr. Ali Zamir Khan, Medanta Chief of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Thoracic Surgery talks about his exciting developments and about how prospective robotic surgeons should look to other specialties for guidance as they learn robotic surgery. Lecture...

  Deputy Chairman of the Government of India's Planning Bureau, Dr. Ahluwalia gave an important address to the VGR 2012 Conference. He talked of history, challenges, hope and gratitude to those assembled there- the goal- to help spread robotic surgery across India. 09:17 ...

  Group Discussion on Scientific Advances, Simulation Training for Robotic Surgery by Prokar Dasgupta, Mani Menon, Mahendra Bhandari and other VUI surgeons. Costs, death rates, closed-door criticism among surgeons. Following the Vattikuti Urology Institute graduation presentations, 2012. ...

  Dr. K. K. Handa begins by explaining to surgeons they have to "Fit in", to the schedule of the hospital robot. Basic O. R. setup, using photos and diagrams teach the right methods of placing the daVinci robot for oral (TORS), and thyroid surgery....

  A Hysterectomy is the second-most frequent surgery in the U.S. Providence Hospital robotic surgeon Dr.Vijayalakshmi Gavini uses data to explain the difference between Total Abdominal Vs Robotic Assisted Hysterectomy procedures. Her findings paint a positive picture of robotic surgery. (From the...

  Doctors David Eisenstein, Roopina Sangha, Thomas Payne, Vijaylakshmi Gavini, and other surgeons share ideas following presentations in the Gynecology Practical Robotics session during the VGR 2012 Conference. Included are surgical tips and motivation for those new to robotic surgery. 20:30 ...

  Dr. and Professor Arnold Advincula"s VGR2012 presentation "Credentialing and Privileging in Robotic Surgery: What is a Gynecologist To Do?". Although this lecture with both PowerPoint and video was aimed at his specialty, Gynecology, points made here will apply to all robotic surgery fields. ...

  Dr. Prokar Dasgupta pays tribute to a little-known pioneer of robotic surgery. He also talks about the Scientific Advances in Robotic Surgery including other robots being developed around the world. He was the guest lecturer at the Vattikuti Urology Institute graduation in...

  Dr. Jack Elder talks about the challenges and limitations of Pediatric Urology, but insists: "Basically, anything on the kidney, ureter or bladder on a child can be done robotically." He also discusses pediatric general surgery procedures that can be done but says institutions have...

  Dr Ronney Abaza suggests techniques for saving the kidney, while removing tumors using the daVinci robot. In his lecture, Abaza states "Anything we can do open, we can do robotically." "Doing Your homework" is important, but a tumor that used to make Dr....

  "This is been my recent evolution in looking at the Prostate Cancer in a Scientific stand point," says Prof. Ashutosh Tewari at the VGR 2012 Conference Delhi. "Can we identify the more aggressive cancer and can we operate in a more effective way?' With...

  Dr. S.P. Somashekhar performs Robotic Thyroidectomy Transacillary Scarless surgery at Manipal Hospital Bangalore. With excellent photos and video showing patient set-up, markings for ports, follow-up and robotic surgery video. 09:12 ...

  Prof. Prokar Dasgupta talks about the value of using PSA testing before and following prostate cancer surgery. He also discusses genetics, obesity and other factors for patients. Lecture with PPT's, 15:20 ...

  Dr Anant Kumar briefing at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi. Kumar talks aout the lack of early detection and limited resources available, but that progress is being made, especially in major cities. Lecture with PowerPoints. 15:43 ...

  Dr Eren Berber from the Cleveland Clinic notes that robotic surgery is expanding in general surgery as ideas and acceptance grow. "The robot is going to take the hepatectomy to the next level", claims Dr. Berber. With surgery videos and PowerPoint screen images....

  Current Status of Robotic Surgery/Gynecology- Dr Arnold Advincula address at the VGR 2012 Conference. He talks about his history and women's health from open to robotic procedures, and how robotics started slowly in gynecology, but is now growing more rapidly in popularity. ...

  Henry Ford Hospital's Dr. Roopina Sangha uses the robot for fibroid tumors, which she says affect 70% of women. By using the daVinci robot, she gets "More bang for the Buck", her patients have better outcomes with less recovery and blood loss. with...

  Dr Prokar Dasgupta begins his presentation telling surgeons "This talk is deliberately provocative", then takes an airliner emergency, a surgeon's mistake and other examples to captivate and motivate his audience. He talks about the "Human Factor," and studies involving simulators used to help...

  Dr K. K. Handa looks at the beginnings of ENT/TORS (Ears, Nose & Throat, Transoral Robotic Surgery) surgery and looks to the future. Lecture with PowerPoints, 11:54 ...

  Noted Robotic Surgeon Dr. Mani Menon of the Vattikuti Urology Institute performs a live nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy on a 44-year-old patient. Recorded at Asian Heart Hospital in November 2011. Good interactive conversation over live video in the OR with external camera and internal...

  Noted Robotic Surgeon Dr. Mani Menon of the Vattikuti Urology Institute performs a live nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy on a 44-year-old patient. Recorded at Asian Heart Hospital in November 2011. Good interactive conversation over live video in the OR with external camera and internal...

  Noted Robotic Surgeon Dr. Mani Menon of the Vattikuti Urology Institute performs a live nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy on a 44-year-old patient. Recorded at Asian Heart Hospital in November 2011. Good interactive conversation over live video in the OR with external camera and...

  Noted Robotic Surgeon Dr. Mani Menon of the Vattikuti Urology Institute performs a live nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy on a 44-year-old patient. Recorded at Asian Heart Hospital in November 2011. Good interactive conversation over live video in the OR with external camera and...

  We present a case of muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder in a woman with a history of two renal transplantations. The increased risk of malignancy in this setting, particularly urothelial carcinoma, is described. (From a presentation at the VUI June 2012 graduation...

  Noted Urologist and robotic surgeon Dr. Alexandre Mottrie from the ORSI, Aalst, Belgium explains "The Importance of Paritial Nephrectomy" at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi. With PPT's, photos, CT Scans and robotic surgery videos. 3-Miutes of Q & A follow his exellent...

  In this Wondershare video, we see robotic mitral valve repair, first through animation that shows the intended procedure, and then with daVinci camera of an actual procedure. Performed by Dr. Valluvan Jeenvanandam, Professor of Surgery, The University of Chicago Medical Center. Narrated,...

  In this Intuitive Surgical video, Dr. Sam Bhayani, Assistant Professor, Co-Director of Robotic Surgery Division of Urologic Surgery at the Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis, MO, USA) narrates his Partial Nephrectomy with Suction Irrigator procedure in a female patient with 2-3cm renal mass....

  Dr. Eren Berber shares his insights on hidden scar ("Scarless") Thyroidectomy including- cutting the flap incision in the patients armpit, port and robot placement (to avoid robotic arm collisions), and what to look for inside the patient during surgery. With video and PowerPoint screen...

  Dr. J. Scott Magnuson talks about the history of Transoral Robotic-Assisted Surgery (TORS) for Early Stage Oropharyngeal Cancer at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi. 14 minutes, then Q & A from colleagues. 22:51 ...

  Dr Tamer Ghanem, who calls himself part of the "second wave" of robotic oral cancer surgeons, says that what is being done today is "Just the tip of the iceberg." He encourages and inspires, but also uses video and Powerpoint to show tips...

  Dr. Parveen Bhatia, in this IMAS-produced video, has a 45-year-old female with a large fundal uterine myoma with cholelithiasis. He takes viewers through his ovary-saving procedure, with video of the robot set-up, port placement diagram and well-narrated robotic camera video. We see a...

  Dr. Parveen Bhatia, of SGRH, performs a Robotic Sleeve gastrectomy in this IMAS video. With diagram and video of port and robot placement, plus narrated robotic surgery video make this an informational video to learn from. 14:28 ...

  Robotic Right Adrenalectomy - In this iMas video, Dr. Parveen Bhatia uses PowerPoints, drawings of port placement, CT scans and narration over da Vinci camera video to show his technique for a 5cm tumor in the right adrenal gland. 08:07 ...

  da Vinci ® Firefly ® Partial Nephrectomy Clinical Applications Video Compilation is a collection of three Intuitive Surgical videos demonstrating the technique of using proprietary Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging during kidney procedures. David Josephson, James Porter and Michael Stiffelman show how it is...

  Manipal Hospital Consultant and Head of the Department of Surgical Oncology Dr. S. P. Somashekhar video showing patient pre-surgery surgeon's markings, external video of the exposure (under right armpit) from Axilla to Sternocleidomastoid Muscle (incision, opening cavity for robotic tools). With excellent photograph with...

  In this case, performed on a 33-1/2 year old girl with recurrent urinary tract infections, Vattikuti Urology Institute surgeons perform a Robot Assisted Lower Pole Heminephrectomy. Narrated, with cystoscopy, imaging, port placement diagram and robotic surgery video. 07:59 ...

  The Percutaneous Suprapubic Tube Drainage following RARP (Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy) is a method of catheterization used by the Vattikuti Urology Institute surgeons following many RARP procedures. This takes the place of the Foley catheter and can be beneficial for many patients, negating the...

  Complications During Robot Assisted Kidney Surgery was produced for the AUA by Vattikuti Urology Institute surgeons. Presented are cases including: endophytic renal mass- treated with partial nephrectomy without hilar clamping or dissection, bleeding within Gerota's fascia- with the dual mistakes noted of: 1-avulsed...

  In this video, we see a left transaxillary robotic thyroidectomy. Dr. Tod Huntley eliminates the neck scar by accessing the cancerous thyroid gland through an incision under the arm. That incision is 5-7cm long, but it's hidden—not front and center, like neck...

  The Bed Side Assistant In Robotic Partial Nephrectomy Is produced by Vattikuti Urology Institute surgeons. Using PPT's and labeled videos, they offer tips that may be useful for surgeons who are learning the ins and outs of robotic surgery- especially during the RPN. ...

  Robotics and Operative Gynecology:Where it Matters Most. Dr. Thomas N. Payne takes a look at why robotic surgery is making the Total Abdominal Hysteretomy (open surgery) a thing of the past. He makes the point that cost is but one factor to consider...

  Vattikuti Urology Institute surgeons Quoc-Dien Trinh, Craig G. Rogers team up to instruct on their metho aand of Robotic Partial Nephrectomy. With narration from Dr. Rogers throughout as we view diagrams of port placement, surgery videos. The video is divided into sections including:...

  In this Vattikuti Urology Institute video produced for ERUS, VUI surgeons team up to demonstrate how Robotic Assisted Partial Nephrectomy for small renal masses is an exellent choice. Patient information, including X-rays and port placement photo/diagram preceeds excellent robotic surgery video. Narrated....

  In this video made for the UA, performed by VUI Chair Dr. Mani Menon, We view the Robot Assisted Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair, a procedure which uses 6-ports. "Tips and Tricks" are given throughout. Narrated by Dr. Khurshid Ghani. With PPT's, X-rays, CT...

  In this Intuitive Surgical video from the 2011 Swedish Robotic Urology Course. In a 50-year-old patient with a PSA of 4.3, we have a live surgery conducted and narrated by Dr. Jim Porter. Drs. Mani Menon and Craig Rogers from the Vattikuti Urology Institute,...

  In this Intuitive Surgical video, moderated by Dr. Greg Lovallo and performed by Dr. Mutahar Ahmed from the New Jersey Center for Prostate Cancer and Urology at the Hackensack University Medical Center. This video begins internally. Port placement is not covered. We see a posterior...

  In this Intuitive Surgical video, Ingolf (Harry) Tuerk, Chief of Urology of St. Elizabeth's Medical Center in Boston, is explaining his approach live to an AUA conference in 2011. He claims faster patient recovery and less bleeding through this method. The video is...

  In this Intuitive Surgical video, the VUI's Dr. Craig Rogers performs a robotic procedure to remove a 1.5 cm right, mid pole anteralateral solid enhancing renal mass in a 43 year-old male. The approach uses the 4 robotic arms of the daVinci robot, as...

  From the Vattikuti Urology Institute, we have a patient with a testicular mass who undergoes a Left Radical Inguinal Orchiectomy. The patient opted for a Robot Assisted Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection, which is performed by Drs. Akshay Bhandari and VUI Chair Mani Menon. ...

  A robotic assisted radical cystectomy study discussion from noted robotic surgeon Prokar Dasgupta. A comparison done by a colleague proved that Robotic Assisted Radical Cystectomy patients had lower complication- and higher survival rates than either Open Radical Cystectomy or Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy patients....

  Dr. Inderbir Gill does a live surgical procedure while Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat comments from the OR. Dr. Ashok Hemal, is the VGR moderator and Drs. Ronney Abaza, Alexandre Mottrie and Alok Shrivastava contribute as panelists. the patient, a 37 year old, has has an...

  Robotic nephroureterectomy is a surgical treatment in which the surgeon removes the patient's kidney and ureter (the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder). It is performed primarily to treat transitional cell carcinoma—a cancerous growth in the lining of the urinary tract,...

  Dr. S.P. Somashekhar performs Total Robotic Oesophagectomy surgery at Manipal Hospital Bangalore. Robotic surgery, with photo of port placement and video of robot docking before internal da Vinci camera video. Not narrated, 13:48 ...

  Radical hysterectomy refers to the excision of the uterus en bloc with the parametrium (ie, round, broad, cardinal, and uterosacral ligaments) and the upper one-third to one-half of the vagina, with the ovaries left intact. The surgeon usually also performs a bilateral pelvic lymph...

  In this Intuitive Surgical video, noted Belgian robotic surgeon and Vattikuti Foundation partner, Dr. Alexandre Mottrie has a 33-year-old woman with a large tumor on the right kidney. The tumor is a 12 on the difficulty scale of 12, according to the video. We...

  Dr. Jack Elder and Dr. Craig Peters collaborate to share their expertise in robotic surgery for pediatric cases. Highlights include why a robot is needed, robotic pyeloplasty, Upper Pole Nephrectomy in infants and children and other challenges. 1:47:13 With PPT's, Photos...

  Dr. Rajesh Taneja, from Apollo New Delhi presents highlights of the year's accomplishments there. He also talks about OR staffing, purchasing the right accessories when making the robot purchase and more. There is also a procedure video of a RPN- Robotic Partial nephrectomy Left Exophytic...

  Florida Hospital robotic surgeon Dr. Arnold Advincula does a live myomectomy surgery showing and explaining port placement, tips he shares before docking the robot, and excellent comments throughout. "We take our time, and end up with a much better outcome." He explains...

  Henry Ford Hospital vascular surgeon Dr. Judith C. Lin discusses some of her pioneering work in robotic endoleak anastomosis and other applications. PowerPoint, CT scan images and actual surgery video included. Lecture with videos, photos and PPT's. 31:28 ...

  VFRSI partner and OLV Clinic robotic surgeon Dr. Alexandre Mottrie Takes a look at the robotic intracorporeal ileumconduit. Body positioning, Trocar placement and blood flow to the patient's legs are all discussed. Mottrie feels there are advantages to doing the procedure robotically....

  University of Berlin Vice Chair and Head of Thoracic Surgery Jens C. Rueckert uses PowerPoint to help explain the anatomy and technique for thyroid surgery. He shows his tip about how CAT scans can be used to accurately place the robot correctly. 23 minute...

  Performed by Dr. S. P. Somashekhar, Manipal hospital. Robotic low anterior resection (LAR) is used to surgically treat tumors in the upper part of the rectum, where it joins the colon. In this procedure, part or all of the rectum is removed and the...

  VFRSI partner surgeon and Chief of Gynecology and Robotic Surgery at Providence Vattikuti Women's Robotic Surgery Institute, Dr. Lakshmi Gavini shows the da Vinci camera highlights of this procedure. Robotic Surgery video, not narrated, 12:04 ...

  Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gavini, Chief of Gynecology and Robotic Surgery at the Providence Vattikuti Women's Robotic Surgery Institute performs robotic surgery on a 54-year-old woman with post-menopausal bleeding. Frozen section stage 1A and grade 1 endometrial cancer was discovered and a robot-assisted laparoscopic...

  Providence Hospital Chief of Gynecology and Robotic Surgery Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gavini removes 3 tumors from a 40-year-old patient. Edited from a 2 hour, 15 minute procedure. Narrated, with da Vinci robot camera video. 23:08 ...

  Dr. Ali Zamir Khan Head of Minimally Invasive Surgery & Robotic Thoracic Surgery at Medanta Medicity uses reference material notes, Powerpoint and actual surgery video to guide surgeons to a better understanding of the uses of the robot during lung cancer surgery. He clearly narrates...

  Medanta Medicity consultant and Thoracic surgeon Dr. Shaiwal Khandelwal uses PowerPoint, Photos and video to discuss his ideas for proper placement of both the patient and robot for thoracic surgery. Dr. Ali Zamir Khan and Dr. Jens Rueckert add commentary following his presentation. ...

  Robotic low anterior resection (LAR) is used to surgically treat tumors in the upper part of the rectum, where it joins the colon. In this procedure, part or all of the rectum is removed and the colon is then surgically reattached to the remaining...

  As part of the VGR pediatric session, Vattikuti Urology Institute Chief of Pediatric Urology, Dr. Jack S. Elder presents his reasons for building and keeping a team working together for robotic surgery. His thoughts apply to all robotic disciplines. 02:38 ...

  Robotic surgery pioneer Dr. Mani Menon talks about the history of robot assisted prostatectomy surgery and how statistics prove that outcomes are better for patients. Also included is a video showing how a superpubic catheter is placed. Dr. Menon shares tips on...

  Medanta Medicity Director of Anesthesia talks about the technique and devices used to tackle the unique challenges a thoracic surgery has. The importance of surgeon participation while anesthesia is being set up is covered, as well as the need for 2 anesthesiologists present in...

  Robotic Surgery pioneer Dr. Mani Menon talks about tool-saving techniques, doing several cases a day to save costs and differences between Indian and American patients. Video of node dissection is shown and discussed. Nerve-sparing video is presented, along with comments from Dr....

  Live robotic surgery of a radical prostatectomy by Dr. Akshay Bhandari with Dr. Arun Kumar on site at Apollo Chennai Hospital and Drs. Ketan Badani, James O. Peabody and P.N.Dogra moderating and adding commentary from the VGR 2012 robotics conference. 35:46 ...

  Former VUI member Dr. Ketan Badani, now Director of Robotic & Minimally Invasive Surgery at New York Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia Medical Center discusses both surgeon and patient responsibilities in helping to achieve a return to erectile function following a radical prostatectomy. One observation: ...

  Called by colleague Dr. Ali Zamir Khan "The leading expert in the world on thymic diseases", noted German Surgeon Dr. Jens C. Rueckert shows his unique and controversial left-side approach to removal of the cancerous thymus gland in several patients. PowerPoint, photos and...

  The Ohio State University Medical Center Director of Robotic Urology Surgery, Dr. Ronney Abaza shares his ideas about more than just incontinence, adding Urinary retention, bladder neck contractures and voiding function to his list of important things to consider for patients following cancerous prostate...

  Robotic prostate surgery pioneer Dr. Mani Menon, Chair of the Vattikuti Urology Institute, compares statistical studies and shares some of the history about the success of the robotic prostatectomy. 3,317 patients and only 6 major complications is what one study reported.These are facts that...

  Thoracic Surgery- Thymectomy "Dr Ali Zamir Khan" Robotic Thymectomy - Edited version. Robotic surgery video of Dr. Ali Zamir Khan, Head of Department- Minimally Invasive & Robotic Thoracic Surgery at Medanta Hospital performing a thymectomy. Not narrated, 11:16 ...

  In this video, Dr Sudhir K Rawal, Director Surgical Oncology & Chief of Surgical Gynae Uro-Oncology at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, demonstrates Robotic assisted Radical Hysterectomy using the DaVinci robotic surgical system. Robotic Surgery video of procedure, edited, not...

  In this video, Dr Sudhir K Rawal, Director Surgical Oncology & Chief of Surgical Gynae Uro-Oncology at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, demonstrates Robotic assisted Radical Hysterectomy using the DaVinci robotic surgical system. Robotic Surgery video, unedited, not narrated, 34:17. ...

  Medanta Director of Liver Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine Dr Arvinder Singh Soin explains his "Concerns With Robotic HPB surgery" at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi. He compares learning curves, training for laparoscopic with robotic and compares costs. Lecture with PPT's 11:12...

  Dr. J. Scott Magnuson, University of Alabama-Birmingham School of Medicine, shows and describes his techniques for various TORS procedures for Supraglottic Cancer at VGR 2012 Conference held at Delhi 2012. Q & A follows 14:51 ...

  This video is for surgeons who are considering robotic surgery (patients also may benefit from viewing the comments). In it, we hear from over a dozen men and women who rely on the da Vinci surgical robot regularly to perform procedures. We include remarks...

  Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center's Prof. Ashok K. Hemal discusses when to use a vaginal approach and when to use a trans-abdominal approach. He claims that robot assisted laparoscopic surgery is quicker, better for patients and surgeons. With PowerPoints and videos. Dr.Hemal narrates the...

  Endomitiosis and Managing Challenging Pathology is edited from an Intuitive Surgical webinar from June, 2012. Robotic surgeon Meenakshi Jain, MD, FACOG was not enthusiastic when approached by her hospital about learning robotic surgery. Now, she is a strong proponent. With over 450 robotic...

  In this surgery video from Dr. Meenakshi Jain, St. Petersburg General Hospital (Florida) is a 42 year old gravita 2 Para 2 with severe pelvic pain and possible adenomyosis with no desire for future child bearing. This is an unedited video showing the "Jain Technique"....

  This is a 48 year old, gravita 3 patient with enlarging symptomatic fibroid, with a family history of ovarian cancer. The surgery is performed by Dr. Meenakshi Jain, St. Petersburg General Hospital (Florida) using 3 arms of the Robot. Unipolar scissors in the first...

  Shown is Dr. Alexandre Mottrie's highlights of this procedure to correct a ureteropelvic junction obstruction using a single robotic port. Not narrated, da Vinci surgical robot camera view only. 08:16 ...

  In this video we take a look at some of the comments made at the history-making Vattikuti Global Robotics 2012 outlining what some of the goals are for bringing robotic surgery to India. Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the Deputy Minister of the Planning Commission...

  In this video, we hear from some of the leaders and pioneers in the field of surgical robotics about using the da Vinci robot. Ideal first cases, manpower allocation, where to begin learning and many more topics are touched on. Each segment refers to the...

  In this video, Dr Somashekhar S.P, HOD Department of Surgical Oncology at Manipal Comprehensive cancer center, demonstrates Robotic Assisted Esophagectomy using the DaVinci robotic surgical system. Video, not narrated, 12:16 ...

  Andrea Simone, RN, CURN, from the Vattikuti Urology Institute, Henry Ford Hospital, made this video to help explain to patients where and what will take place during a radical prostatectomy at the VUI. She uses video graphics from Draw MD, a program for the iPad,...

  In this video, Dr Somashekhar S.P, HOD Department of Surgical Oncology at Manipal Comprehensive cancer center, demonstrates and shows the port placement, patient positioning, patient benefits, using the DaVinci robotic surgical system with text and added Images. ...

  In this video, Dr Somashekhar S.P., HOD Department of Surgical Oncology at Manipal Vattikuti Institute of Robotic Surgery, demonstrates Robotic ParaAortic Lymphadenectomy using the daVinci robotic surgical system. With PowerPoints, OR camera showing tools and port placement and da Vinci camera. Dr. Somashekhar...

  In these excerpts from VGR 2012, we listen as an Anesthesiologist and surgeons describe the intricacies of anesthesia for certain robotic procedures. We also hear discussion about the challenges the surgical team members face and how a better working understanding helps everybody involved. ...

  In this excellent video from the OLV Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute, we learn how using fluorescence (Firefly) can enhance the ability to visualize ischemia, blood flow and highlight tissue. Three procedures are profiled: Robot Assisted (R.A.) Partial Nephrectomy, R.A. Redo Pyeloplasty and R.A....

  Dr. Ashok Hemal, Professor at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, cautions that certain types of treatment often lead to recurring issues with kidney tumors, and also reminds that kidney disease is usually accompanied by other issues in most patients. Warm Ischemia times matter...

  Consultant at Raajiv Ghandhi Cancer Centre, Dr. Surender Dabas discusses ongoing trials for TORS at RGCI. The first goal, he states is to cure, the second is to have a functional outcome. The third is to prevent recurrence, which includes radiation treatment....

  Dr. Priyanka Batra, from Medanta, the Medicity, describes the use of the robot for patients with difficult benign hysterectomy conditions, including up to four previous abdominal surgeries, morbid obesity, endometriosis and more. Patient preps and positioning is discussed, plus proper diagnostic tool use preceeding...

  Dr. Prasad Krishnan, Consultant, CoE Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Aster Medcity describes his first Robot Assisted Sleeve Gastrectomy. As an experienced laparoscopic surgeon, he finds the robot "more comfortable." He offers advice for first-time robotic surgeons, including plenty of simulator work. Lecture...

  Dr. Mandar Deshpande, Consultant, Surgical Oncology (Head & Neck Oncology)for Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, says that the surgeon needs to develop an "Inside, outward knowledge," of the anatomy where oropharyngeal cancer exists. This, according to Deshpande, is important to preserving tissue and preventing injury...

  Dr. Cerfolio is a Professor of Surgery and Section Chief of Thoracic Surgery in the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at University of Alabama at Birmingham says "It's a no-brainer that you should do everything robotically!" Quality of life is one of his prime...

  Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Associate Consultant, Thoracic Surgery, Dr. Belal Bin Asaf begins showing through artwork and describing patient positioning on the table for thoracic procedures. Port placement, OR set up, robot docking and arm alignment are also covered. " You do...

  Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gavini, Chief of Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Providence Vattikuti Women's Robotic Surgery Institute begins by reviewing the costs of robotic surgery compared to other forms of surgery. Acquiring the robot, according to Gavini, does a great service to women, due...

  Robotic Surgery, UroGynecology, Fistula Repair, Urinary leakage control, Vesico Vaginal Fistula, Dr. Mera Ragavan, ...

  Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Senior Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dr. Srivastava presents a thorough look at the benefits and challenges of single port gynecologic procedures, including using the new da Vinci Xi surgical robot. WIth PowerPoints, diagrams and references. 11:18 ...

  Dr. Arvind Kumar, Chairman, Centre for Chest Surgery and Director, Institute of Robotic Surgery for Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi, says that it took a team to perform the first robotic vascular procedures at SGRH. He discusses Abdominal Aortic Aneurism and...

  Dr. Arvind Kumar, Senior Consultant, Chairman, Centre for Chest Surgery and Director, Institute of Robotic Surgery for Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi, presents his ideas about Thymectomy to the VGR 2015 audience. Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis, with or without Thymoma...

  Consultant Gynecologist at Apollo Health City in Hyderabad, Dr. Anhuradha Panda compares statistics between laparoscopic and robotic procedures. She compares costs, time procedures take and robotic advantages. Lecture with PPT's 07:16 ...

  Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gavini, Chief of Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery begins her presentation stating that "One of our major reasons for the legal community to go after the robotic surgeons is vaginal cuff dehesions...

  Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gavini is the Chief of Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Providence Vattikuti Women's Robotic Surgery Institute, based at St. John Providence Hospital in Southfield, Michigan and Providence Park Hospital, Novi, Michigan. She talks about and demonstrates advances and her technique...

  In his Robotic Surgeons Council of India presentation, Dr. Mihir Desai, Professor of Urology at the University of Southern California and the Director of Robotic Urology Surgery at the Keck Hospital there presented some of his work and ideas to a receptive RSC audience....

  Gynecologist and veteran (2003) robotic surgeon Roopina Sangha, from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit was asked to speak to the Robotic Surgeons Council of India meeting because she was already visiting in India as a mentor. Her impromptu remarks were heartfelt, informative and...

  In this video Dr Jaydeep Palep, Consultant Robotics and Laparoscopic Bariatric and GI Surgery at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute performs Robotic Mini-Gastric Bypass surgery for a 55 year old female, Power points and titles help explain his work during the...

  In this video Dr Jaydeep Palep, Consultant, Robotics and Laparoscopic Bariatric and GI Surgery at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute performs Robotic Distal Pancreatectomy with Splenectomy surgery for a 55 year old female, Power points and titles help explain his work during...

  In this video Dr Vipin Tyagi, Consultant, Departments of Urology and Kidney Transplant Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital performs robotic repair of a Complex Vesicovaginal Fistula surgery for a 37 year old female. The da Vinci surgical camera video is edited, with power...

  In this video Dr Vipin Tyagi, Consultant, Departments of Urology and Kidney Transplant Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital shows how he uses the Wallace technique for Intracorporeal Ileal Conduit. Power points and titles help explain his work during the procedure and clear,...

  In this video, Medanta's Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat, who talked of the steady growth and acceptance of the robot. They are planning to add a new robotic surgery complex as they work to become a regional training center, complete with simulators and a dual-console system....