The vattikuti foundation

Site News

Site News / 12.03.2025

We are pleased to share that Dr. Omkar Sahindrakar, a Vattikuti Fellow studying under Prof. Dr. Somashekhar S.P. at Aster Institute in Bangalore. He was a presenter in Seoul, S. Korea at the Korean Society of Surgical Oncology SISSO 2025 Conference....

Site News / 17.01.2025

The Medscape news service reports on a study of over 1,000 patients by the Orlando Health Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery Insitute. The Institute found that 56% of their patients were not aware that obesity can cause infertility in some cases, due to preventing ovulation or...

Site News / 02.12.2024

The continuing goal of the Vattikuti Fellowships has been to provide the best possible options to surgeons, who in turn provide the best care for their patients. This is certainly the case for one woman who recently came to Dr. Vasantharaja Ramasamy at the...

Site News / 19.11.2024

Move over Intuitive Surgical - well maybe not quite yet - but the US Food and Drug Administration has given the green light for Johnson & Johnson MedTech's OTTAVA™ robotic surgical system to begin human clinical trials in the US, thanks to an investigational device...

Site News / 21.10.2024

New research in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) reports that there is virtually no difference in outcomes for patients with HIV who receive a kidney from an HIV-positive donor, as compared with a non-HIV donor. The study followed 198 patients from 2018...

Site News / 21.10.2024

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted the Versius robotic surgery system its first approved use in the United States. This comes through a "limited marketing authorization through the FDA’s De Novo process which establishes initial indication for adults undergoing cholecystectomy," according to...

Site News / 02.09.2024

Online Indian publication ThePrint recently published a report on the growing acceptance- by both surgeons and patients- of the SSI Mantra surgical robot in Tier 1 and 2 cities. What's also great to see, is that many of the Vattikuti Foundation Fellowship Program's Mentor...

Site News / 19.08.2024

Ancient Chinese medical practitioners used to study tongues to decipher diseases. Now, researchers at the Middle Technical University and the University of South Australia have been successful in doing the same thing, but using an AI-based program connected to a video camera. It...

Site News / 21.06.2024

Rawal, Medical Director and Chief, GenitoUro Oncologic Surgery for the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi, was 40 KM away from the hospital, when he performed remote surgery for bladder cancer on an Indian man in his mid-50's. ...

Site News / 31.05.2024

The Hershey Medical Center of Penn State University has elected to drop their kidney and liver transplant programs. Both programs had previously been suspended, due to the Organ Transplantation and Procurement Network (OPTN), a national association and oversight group, declared Penn State a "member...

Site News / 24.04.2024

Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital recently had such a unique case- they made a video about it. Several surgeons at different hospitals were presented with a woman with serious pain and debilitating symptoms, all due to a tumor placed between major arteries...

Site News / 23.04.2024

We are pleased to share the news that Dr. Sachin Arakere Nataraj, 2016 Vattikuti Fellow with Mentor Surgeon Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat, has been appointed to a new post at Medanta, the Medicity in Gurugram, India. Dr. Sachin was one of the earliest Vattikuti Fellows....

Site News / 19.03.2024

The US FDA has given Intuitive Surgical permission to market its latest model, the da Vinci 5, the 5th-generation iteration of their famous robotic surgical platform. It is an upgrade to the Multiport Xi, which was first released in 2016. Intuitive claims...

Site News / 31.01.2024

It's an endeavor that has long been talked about, but is now about to be tested in Space. This week, a 2-pound MIRA Robot was launched as one of the experiments included in the cargo of a scheduled NASA International Space Station (ISS) resupply...

Site News / 08.09.2023

site news RoboGynIndia 2023 Conference a Success The Vattikuti Foundation is proud to have had a part in the Association of Gynaecological Robotic Surgeons of India (AGRS) 2-day meeting RoboGynIndia 2023. The meeting was held on the12th and 13th of August at the Sheraton Hotel, Hyderabad, India More...

Site News / 21.08.2023

site news First-in-US Robotic Liver Transplant at St. Louis Hospital Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis, Missouri) surgeons successfully transplanted a whole donor liver using robotic surgery at the Barnes-Jewish Hospital. According to reports from the St. Louis Dispatch and MedicalXpress, this is the first...

Site News / 03.08.2023

site news Vattikuti Fellowship Program is Making Headlines In the wake of the successful Vattikuti Fellowships Alumni meet, several media outlets in India are also taking note of the latest round of Vattikuti Fellowships being offered currently by the Foundation. Applications are currently open for several...

Site News / 11.07.2023

site news Dr. Gagan Gautam Shares Insight on Kidney Treatments Indian publication The Week has an article featuring comments from Dr. Gagan Gautam, vice chairman-Uro Oncology and Robotic Surgery, Urology and Andrology, Kidney and Urology Institute, Medanta, Gurugram, and longtime Vattikuti Foundation friend and Mentor Surgeon to...

Site News / 02.05.2023

site news US FDA Releases Medical Device Cybersecurity Video The world we live in demands the use of interconnected data. Hospitals need cyber-connected technology internally and externally. Sadly, there are bad operators that are constantly attempting to infiltrate the systems that provide the data 'lifeblood'...

Site News / 08.04.2023

site news Light-Sensitive Drug Treats Mesothelioma The Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York has long been recognized for the cutting-edge work they do fighting many firms of cancer. For years, in partnership with the Vattikuti Foundation, they have accepted Vattikuti International Fellows to...

Site News / 04.04.2023

site news VF Supports Kashmir Colorectal Event Recently, the Vattikuti Foundation was asked by our former Vattikuti Fellow, Dr. Shabnam Bashir, to help sponsor a colorectal awareness program. Little did we know what a huge success it would be due in no small part to her...

Site News / 10.03.2023

site news ORSI Academy Robotic Surgery Courses Offered We often receive requests at the Vattikuti Foundation for robotic surgery training. While we DO NOT have training, though we do sponsor Master Class and Fellowship opportunities, our friends at the ORSI Academy, led by Prof. Dr. Alexandre...

Site News / 07.03.2023

site news The 2023 KS International Robotic Surgery Innovation Awards Submission Entry Basics The Vattikuti Foundation is accepting applications for the 2023 KS International Robotic Surgery Innovation Awards (“KS Awards”) to the global robotic surgery community. $10,000 cash prize for the top and entrants also...

Site News / 09.02.2023

site news Announcing the 2023 KS International Innovation Awards Date : February 2023 The Vattikuti Foundation has just opened the competition for the KS International Innovation Awards 2023. Formerly known as the KS Robotic Surgery Innovation Awards, the goal remains the same: to recognize surgical talent and...

Site News / 21.01.2023

site news The Vattikuti Foundation is excited to be sponsoring a new video series: Humans of Robotic Surgery Date : January 2023 Humans of Robotic Surgery is a series launched by the Vattikuti Foundation, to recognize the surgical pioneers who could see that, which others ignored, the men...

Site News / 10.11.2022

site news Global Robotic Surgery Conference set for Miami Date : November, 2022 A gathering of over one hundred of the world's top robotic surgeons will meet in Miami for the "Humans on the Cutting Edge of Robotic Surgery" symposium on November 19th. Sponsored by the Vattikuti...

Site News / 26.10.2022

site news Raj Vattikuti Lifetime Achievement Award Date : 19 October, 2022 We are excited to share the news that Mr. Raj Vattikuti, Founder & President of the Vattikuti Foundation, was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award for 2022 by the Chanakya Institute of Public Services (ChIPS). ...

Site News / 27.09.2022

2022 KS International Robotic Surgery Innovation Awards The Vattikuti Foundation Has Presented Top Honors for Surgeons from the USA, India and Europe for the 2022 KS International Robotic Surgery Innovation Awards Date : September 2022 Robotic surgeons from the US, India and Spain were named the...

Site News / 01.09.2022

site news - interview Right Business Models To Make These Surgeries Cost-Effective Date : August 2022 Dr Mahendra Bhandari was recently interviewed by the prominent medical device focused magazine - Medgate Today, on his journey of bringing advanced robotic surgery technology to India. You can read the...

Publication, Site News / 08.07.2022

site news Medtronic HUGO Robot Patient Study Released Date : July 8, 2022 Our European friends at the ORSI Academy and OLV Hospital in Aalst, Belgium have finished their initial study of five robot assisted radical prostatectomy cases done using the newly-approved Medtronic HUGO RAS robotic surgical system....

Site News / 24.06.2022

site news Single-Port Book Published Date : June 24, 2022 Elsevier/Academic Press has published a book edited by surgeons Riccardo Bertolo and Jihad Kaouk titled: Single-Port Robotic Surgery in Urology: The New Beginning After the Advent of Dedicated Platforms. (1st Edition) This is a comprehensive look at this...

Site News / 07.06.2022

site news CEO Mahendra Bhandari Interviewed by Healthcare Executive Date : June 7, 2022 Dr Mahendra Bhandari was recently interviewed by Arunima Rajan from Healthcare Executive. The interview focussed around his journey in the diverse and expansive fields of urology, medicine, hospital administration, robotic surgery, and medical ethics. To...

Site News / 12.05.2022

site news Dr. Mahendra Bhandari and the VF In the News Date : May 12, 2022 A recent article in reports on the success of the Vattikuti Foundation efforts globally, with quotes from our CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari. While similar to one recently published in The...

Site News / 29.04.2022

site news Surgeons Associated With the VF Honored Date : April 26, 2022 Three surgeons with decades-long ties to the Vattikuti Foundation have been honored by the Society of Asian American Scientists in Cancer Research (SAASCR). Drs. Mani Menon, Ashutosh Tewari and VF CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhandari...

Site News / 25.04.2022

site news High Intensity Ultrasound Destroys Tumor Tissue Date : April 25, 2022 Scientists from the University of Michigan have published groundbreaking research on using noninvasive, high intensity focused ultrasound wave pulses of extremely short duration to break up tumor cells. The tests performed on rat models...

Site News / 15.04.2022

site news VF CEO Celebrates a Family Milestone Date : February 17 , 2022 All of us at the Vattikuti Foundation want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our CEO Dr. Mahendra Bhadari and his wife Sushma, who on February 17th, celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Their...

Site News / 14.04.2022

site news Micro Robot for Brain Surgery Date : April 14 , 2022 ET HealthWorld is reporting that a California company has been developing a miniature robot to be used in treating brain tumors and cysts. The Bionaut Labs device is injected into the bloodstream and then...

Site News / 26.03.2022

site news The KS International Robotic Surgery Video Awards Video Entry Basics This is the first time the Vattikuti Foundation has opened the KS Robotic Surgery Video Awards to the global robotic surgery community. It is also the first time the VF has offered a $10,000 top prize! The...

Site News / 08.03.2022

site news The Vattikuti Foundation announces 2022 KS International Robotic Surgery Video Awards The Vattikuti Foundation invites robotic surgeons to submit high-quality, robotic surgery videos for the KS International Robotic Surgery Video Awards, 2022. For the first time, the competition is now open to robotic surgeons...

Site News / 29.01.2022

site news Johns Hopkins Autonomous Surgical Robot Sucess Date : January 26, 2022 A team from Johns Hopkins University have demonstrated that their Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR), has performed four separate procedures to connect the intestinal tissue of porcine models. Results were compared with human and...

Site News / 18.01.2022

site news Haptic Feedback Skin Patches For Robotics Date : January 18, 2022 Chinese teams at three universities have collaborated to produce skin patches that not only are used in conjunction with controlling a remote robot by transmitting their body movements, but also receive haptic responses from similar...

Site News / 29.12.2021

site news Detroit Institute of Arts Date : December 29, 2021 The Detroit Institute of Arts has just this week posted on their Facebook page news about a video of the Padma & Raj Vattikuti Family Gallery in the museum. In addition to many charitable efforts across the...

Site News / 17.12.2021

site news Doctors Need To Use 'Plain Language' Date : December 17, 2021 It took the University of California, San Francisco a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence program to discover what many patients all over the world already know- and have been saying for years- it is sometimes difficult to...

Publication, Site News / 04.12.2021

site news VUI Precision Prostatectomy Outcomes Study Published Date : December 4, 2021 Dr. Mani Menon and his team from the Vattikuti Urology Institute have newly published research in the European Urology Surgery-in Motion series: Description of Surgical Technique and Oncologic and Functional Outcomes of the Precision Prostatectomy...

Site News / 27.11.2021

site news India Now Among the Top Transplant Nations Date : November 27, 2021 India Transplant Day was met with exciting news: India now is one of the leading nations for Organ Donation- which until recently was a very limited option for those suffering from renal failure, among...

Site News / 28.06.2021

site news Manipal gets First da Vinci X Surgical System Date : September 26th, 2017 Sunday, September 17, 2017 marks the date when Dr. S. P. Somashekhar, Chairman & HOD Surgical Oncology, Manipal Health Enterprise performed the inaugural surgical procedure on Manipal Hospital's new da Vinci X surgical...

Site News / 28.06.2021

site news Mentoring Makes a Difference Date : May 11th, 2017 We like receiving good news at the Vattikuti Foundation. This week, we had a nice chain of emails about how one of our partner surgeons- Prof. Dr. S. P. Somashekhar helped a new robotic surgeon and...

Site News / 02.08.2012

DATE : August 2, 2012 KIMS Successfully Completes Over 100 Robotic Surgeries Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Hyderabad, India - Earlier this year, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Hyderabad completed over 100 cases in robotic surgery. KIMS is the first hospital in Andhra Pradesh to use the...

Site News / 26.07.2012

Date: July 26, 2012 Asian Heart Performs First Gynecology Surgery Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai, India Asian Heart Institute in Mumbai, India and the Vattikuti Foundation in Southfield, Michigan, USA have joined together to create the Asian Vattikuti Institute of Robotic Sugery. The team of surgeons at Asian...

Site News / 20.03.2012

DATE: March 20, 2012 New relationship with Onze-Lieve-Vrouwziekenhuis (OLV) hospital Aalst, Belgium The Vattikuti Foundation has completed a Memorandum of Understanding with the OLV Hospital in Aalst, Belgium announcing the formation of the OLV Robotic Surgery Institute. Already a Vattikuti Foundation partner, the ORSI will formally...

Site News / 12.02.2012

Date: February 15, 2012 VFRSI Adds New Partner Providence Hospital, Southfield, Michigan Southfield, MI, USA- The Vattikuti Foundation adds Providence Hospital, Southfield, Michigan, to the Vattikuti Foundation Robotic Surgery Institute global network. A one million dollar donation, funding a new da Vinci Si surgical robot system- marks the...